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Analyzing an Essay About Trifles by Susan Glaspell

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Analyze an Essay About Trifles by Susan Glaspell

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TRIFLES by Susan Glaspell’s
Over the years, women have struggled to enjoy equal rights as their male counterparts. In a society where male dominance has been the standard narrative. The story of trifles borders on the position of the women in the society. The story was told of a murder mystery on a couple, Mrs. Wright is accused of killing her husband Mr. John Wright. The story is discriminative and highlights the suffrage that engulfed women in the American society in the era of the book. Written by Susan Glaspell in 1916, (Noelia, 76) the play is a one-act play that embodies dialogue, theme, character and symbolism to show to help illustrate the discriminatory nature of the society. This paper analyzes the play and how the writer successfully uses the mentioned stylistic attributes to achieve her aim.
The characters in the play are John Wright, Mrs. Wright, Attorney George Henderson, the sheriff Henry Peters a neighbor and a witness. The set is an empty farmhouse where the murder takes place. Exposition is seen from the start of the investigation when the male displays less than equal attitude to the women. Hales sentiment to the attorney that he didn't know if john's wife's wish would have changed the need for John to buy the telephone. The statement shows that John is the kind of husband who neglects his wife's wishes. Thus, the men expressively show bias in their verbal conversation. (Leon, 148)
From the dialogue, it’s discernable that the men through their conversation, do not view their women’s say as significant or relevant. When Mrs. Peter says one comment on how Mrs. Wright was worried about her fruit freezing, the sheriff fires back and women are beat, held for murder but all their worry about is their preserves. All the men are in general agreement. This dialogue portrays ignorance and general disrespect given to...
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