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Ancient Paragraph: Platos Allegory of the Cave and Socrates Defense

Essay Instructions:

First paper will be the paragraph, and second paper will be the extra credit.
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If you scroll down you'll see the extra credit options. Pick ONE of the following options:
- For up to 25 points of extra credit, read Plato's Allegory of the Cave and write a one-page paper in which you explain, in your own words, the allegory and indicate why it is important. Here are two videos, one animated, and one not animated, dealing with the allegory.
- For up to 25 points of extra credit, read the documents associated with the Trial of Socrates, including Plato's Apology and, in a one-page paper (maybe two pages), note and explain the main points of Socrates' defense.
Note that: "For extra credit, please suggest a relevant website for this unit of the course. Send your instructor the title of the site, the URL and a brief explanation why you find the information interesting and applicable to the material being studied this unit."

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Ancient Paragraph
Plato’s Allegory of the cave
Plato put forward the theory of Allegory of the cave also termed as the metaphor of the cave, Plato’s cave or parable of cave. The theory addresses differences on perception of people on what they see, feel or hear and reality. It was put forward as a discussion between Socrates and Glaucon who is a brother to Plato. The theory begins by Socrates asking Glaucon to imagine people who have been in prison since childhood. These people are tied so that their necks and legs are fixed, hence, this allows them to only gaze at the wall in front of them. Fire is at the back of the prisoners in between is a raised walk path, where people carrying objects walk. The people walk behind the raised path such that it is only objects shadows are seen at the wall of the cave by the prisoners. These prisoners develop a habit of discussing the shadows even games of guessing what shadow will come next. The sounds of people talking echo and the prisoners take the sound to be coming from the shadows. If one prisoner escapes from cave and returns, he will praise himself and take the real world superior to the cave. However, on return he will be blind due to the effect of sunlight on the really world. This will result in fellow prisoners hating the real world since, they will think that it made him blind.
The cave in Plato’s represents individuals who believe kn...
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