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The Main Character of the Book "A Clockwork Orange": Alex

Essay Instructions:

Essay Prompt from English Instructor:
Your Task: In a thesis driven essay analyze why Alex, the main character in the book "A Clockwork Orange", is in conflict with civilization. It's important that you only focus on ONE SPECIFIC conflict that Alex deals with in "A Clockwork Orange" and make sure to connect your argument using Sigmund Freud's book "Civilization and its Discontents" from any of the following Chapters from Chapters 1, 3, 4, 7 and Chapter 8 that we have read so far in class. 
ONE EXAMPLE of a specific conflict can be Alex's musical influence because Alex acts out very violently therefore instinctively music inspires Alex because music feeds his ego. 
ANOTHER EXAMPLE of a specific conflict can be Alex's parental influence as he has no parental guidance. Alex balance of his ego is big compared to his super ego which is non-existent.
You can write on either ONE of those specific conflicts or be CREATIVE by writing about a different specific conflict that you can find about Alex in "A Clockwork Orange" that makes him in conflict with civilization.
So your task is to write a thesis-driven essay analyzing why Alex is in specific conflict with civilization using examples from both Sigmund Freud's "Civilization and It's Discontents" and "A Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burgess. 
Now make sure to follow these 3 steps to complete your essay:
#1). In your essay make sure to have a good thesis statement at the end of your introductory paragraph, have strong topic sentences to support your thesis in all your body paragraphs and a good conclusion in your final paragraph that supports your argument.
#2). Make sure your paragraphs are very focused with specific details that support your argument.
#3). Have a minimum of 6 quotes throughout your essay. A minimum of 3 quotes from Sigmund Freud's "Civilization and It's Discontents" and a minimum of 3 quotes from "A Clockwork Orange". But make sure not to use long quotes that are more than 2 sentences long. Focus on effective quotes that can help support your argument in your essay.
Notes from me the Student: 
The essay must be with Font Times New Roman and 1 inch margins.
My two sources are Anthony Burgess's "A Clockwork Orange" and Sigmund Freud's "Civilization and its Discontents".
Sigmund Freud's book is called “Civilization and Its Discontents” by Sigmund Freud. Standard Edition. New York: W.W Norton and Company. Here is the ISBN number it’s ISBN 0-393-30451-5. By the way I included a PDF file of this book just in case you can't find it.
As for "A Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burgess. New York, W. W. Norton & Company. 1986. Print and the ISBN number is 0-393-31283-6

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Analyze why Alex, the main character of the book “A clockwork orange", is in conflict with civilization. Focus only one specific conflict using both Sigmund Freud book "civilization and it's discontents" and "a clockwork orange
Music plays a major role in the plot of a clockwork orange, by Anthony Burgess and Alex the protagonist uses music as an escape roué for his violent behavior. Alex lives a decadent life with his fellow ‘droogs' drinking, engaging in anti-social behavior and harassing other people on the streets. Music liberates Alex from the pressures of life as one becomes ecstatic when listening and he knows classical music like Beethoven’s Symphonies. Alex and his fellow thugs are quick to use violence to settle cores. Music influences Alex’s choice as he has a different temperament when the music fuels violence.
Musical taste is a source of rebellion in the story especially when Alex seems to challenge the place of his parents. Ironically, Alex was more interested in classical music that affected his violent rage. Burgess, attempts to link music and violence showing that the human psyche is influenced by both elements in a similar manner than people think. However, the music also draws constraints between the pleasure of listening to the music and repulsive violent acts. To rehabilitee Alex and reform his behavior there is a controversial intervention method that seeks to contain his actions, thoughts and behavior. Music instigates violence, but is also a defining moment in the lives of the youth who create their sub-culture.
Despite Alex exhibiting erratic behavior and he is quick to use violence, he fails to see how his behavior and actions are wrong. This is because the superego fails to control the impulses especially violence. Both music and violence are intertwined in the story, and Freud’s analysis is useful to understand how the two interact to influence the behavior of Alex. Freud (14) argued that there is, “A tendency arises to separate from the ego everything that can become a source of such unpleasure.” Alex uses music to create a pleasure-ego, and he did not necessarily enjoy using violence, especially when it was being played, and in some cases he could not control the violent acts especially the thought about the music first.
There is a sense of satisfaction associated with violence, and Alex is sadistic he takes pleasure in seeing other people suffer. “What we were after now was the old surprise visit. That was a real kick ...
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