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Should the Alcohol Age be Lowered in the United States?

Essay Instructions:

It's preferable to include more than the sources I supply you with to avoid plagiarism just make sure you do a work cited page at the end. I will also attach the document about what exactly the essay is about (controversial essay) and the requirements. Here is one source: http://drinkingage(dot)procon(dot)org/

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Should the alcohol age be lowered in the United States?
According to Dwight Hearth a professor of anthropology at Brown University, the recommended age in which an individual is supposed to start drinking is six years old. He says that by doing so parents educate their children about alcohol early, and that help eliminate the taboo allure that comes with it. He argues that when kids are introduced to alcohol early, it loses its mystique and becomes nothing for the kids. The rebellious nature by which the teenagers sneak to the basement to drink alcohol. Dwight aside, the question that most Americans find themselves currently is whether the legal drinking age should be lowered from twenty-one to eighteen?
Three decades ago the Congress passed the law increasing drinking age from eighteen to twenty-one. Various attempts have been made to try and reduce the age in order to conform to other developed countries of eighteen. Supporters of higher drinking age argue that the teenager’s brains are still developing and if exposed to alcohol their development would stagnate.
In 2008, over a hundred university presidents led by John McCardell announced their opposition to the law requiring drinking age to be twenty-one, they claim the law was counterproductive and contributed to' binge drinking ‘ on the campuses. Although the public court of opinion judged the decision wrong and with disdain refused to vouch for it, the interest it elicited from the media was intense .there are no research findings that support twenty-one years of age as the drinking age.
Drinking page should be lowered to eighteen years or even lower. This paper attempts to analyses the pros and cons of lowering the age limit to 18, giving a collective view of both the opponents and proponents of the case.
In the United States, an 18-year-old is allowed to vote, join the military and get married without parental consent in all states except Mississippi and Nebraska. Many then question why the law is stringent that it cannot allow an eighteen-year-old to purchase and drink alcohol responsibly. Among other legislation like that which require one to be twenty-one years of age to buy a gun and for a case in New Jersey, one need to be nineteen to buy tobacco. In its variation, the age limit is subjected to through assessment of merits and demerits of such laws. Those petitioning for the lowering of age limit argues that the Constitution recognizes an eighteen-year-old as an adult and thus should be allowed to enjoy full privileges that come with adulthood including purchasing alcohol and drinking.
Because of its illegal nature, many underage find thrill in hiding and over indulging in alcohol in an attempt to maximize the opportunity. This becomes more lethal as it exposes the teenagers to health risks associated with heavy, uncontrolled or binge drinking. Thus, proponents of a low age limit argue that if lowered the teenagers will be comfortable drinking in safe environment thereby reducing the risk of unsafe drinking.
Another point is that the government is responsible with maintaining highways authority and should not categorically blame young drinkers for the accidents. They argue that all new drinkers are likely to cause accidents irrespective of their age. Furthermore study shows that many young...
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