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Essay Instructions:
Writer, you are asked to write a personal reaction on the topic of Transcendentalism. Then you are asked to answer the following questions: 24. Discuss the differences between Romanticism and Transcendentalism. 25. Explain two purposes of Fuller's Woman in the Nineteenth Century. 26. Compare Emerson and Thoreau. Is Thoreau merely Emerson's disciple? Explain similarities and differences.
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Transcendentalism According to me transcendentalism is the movement of an individual as a point of spiritual being in the universe. This considered God as the sole anthology of individual beings on earth. I reacted with surprise as I observed arguments of Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson regarding Transcendentalism. I realized that I can personally relate to their teachings in many ways as Emerson and Thoreau had discussed in their artworks.  Despite my immense liking of Emerson more than I did like Thoreau, both individuals impress me from their ability to take such a firm ground on matters that most people identify with.
There is a very close relationship between romanticism and transcendentalism. This closeness is necessitated by the fact that romanticism gave birth to ideas that founded transcendentalism. However, key differences stem from views observed regarding nature and the individual. Romanticism regarded man as an imperfect being while it considered that nature was not flawed. On the other hand, transcendentalism believed that nature was symbolic and had the ability to present answers about wisdom and virtue. Romanticism had great considerations on the self unlike transcendentalism that put much emphasis on man as a spiritual being and hence a source of all knowledge and truth.
Fuller emotionally in her book of Woman in the Nineteenth century purposed to exemplifies two issues extensively touching on certain defects of taste and a sort of indistinct spiritualism and grandiloquence which belong to all except revered American authors. In enthusiasm the book depicts noble traits of sympathetic nature, with moderation in wideness and large chunks of a vigorous and natured understanding. Margaret Fuller personifies extensively and purposefully in her arguments regarding marriage position during the period of 1800 in America. In her narration, she explains her own experiences of being considered ugly while exempting her inner possession of wisdom.
Figuratively, she points out in emotion that beautiful women are regarded ugly because of their strong educational foundation and hence unmarriageable. This ability subj...
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