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Nathaniel Hawthorne

Essay Instructions:
Writer, please analyze and answer the following questions on an essay format. 32. Consider Hawthorne's narrative voice. Discuss the use of irony, tone, and intrusion in the two works you selected. 33. Compare and contrast the views of the Transcendentalists and the Anti-Transcendentalists. 34. Explore the light and dark imagery in “Young Goodman Brown”. What does the imagery suggest? How does it add drama to the story?.
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Running head: Nathaniel Hawthorne
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This is a story about a young married woman whose husband is assumed to have lost at the sea while they were on a journey to a new world. After the demise of her husband, she starts a secret affair with a minister by the name Arthur Dimmesdale and the outcome is pregnancy that leads to the birth of Pearl. She is forced by the public to put on the scarlet with the letter A that describes her character as an adulterous person. She completely refuses and stands firm with her decision to of not revealing who her lover is, which makes her a secretive person. She willingly and wholeheartedly accepts the punishment and refuses to be ashamed by what her society has done to her (Hawthorne 55). She works so hard to redeem herself in the eyes of the community by doing good deeds that make her be an admirable and adorable person towards the end of her life. On the other hand Dimmesdale is quite aware of the punishment awaiting him which is execution and shame he will face from the community and thus does not admit that he has an affair with Prynne. He plays the role of an innocent man yet in real sense he is a monster. He asks Prynne about the identity of the father and he knows very well that he is the father.
Most of the recent criticisms have given much attention on Hawthorne’s narrative voice describing it as self conscious and rhetorical construction that is not to be combined with his personal voice (Hawthorne 310). This enables the writer to explore his writing skills and art. He is considered to be a morally gloomy artist. The tone that has been used in the story young Goodman Brown is a very dramatic one that is low and full of anticipation and sorrow. We see Faith as she i...
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