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Analyzing and interpreting a short story

Essay Instructions:
select one of the short stories and write a 4-page paper analying and interpreting a significant theme explored by the author within the story. in other words, from carefully reading the short story, what do you think the author may want readers to understand or believe about our lives? in your essay, you will be making and supporting a literary argument about a significant message or lesson communicated in the short story. be sure to begin your essay with a clear thesis statement and support this claim/thesis with evidence-direct quotes or paraphrases from the story, relevant biographical information about the author, historical or political background information, other critics' thoughts. cite page numbers throughout and include a work cited page that shows all sources you used to write your paper. your introduction should include the author's name and the title of the short story. use the present tense when referring to the events of the story, but make sure you do not simply synopsize or summarize. the best papers will demonstrate original critical thinking and will be organized and developed in a sophisticated way. pay attention to vocabulary and to sentence variety. please make sure you have evidences into the essay: quotes or paraphrases from the story, biographical information about the author, historical or political backgroud information, other critics' thoughts about the author.your introduction should include the author's name and the title of the short story. use the present tense when referring to the events of the story. i will upload the pictures about some short stories. please select one and read cleanly before to write the essay. thank you!
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The Araby is a short story whose setting is in the contemporary society. It tackles major themes such as loss of innocence, poverty versus the life of the mind: including intellectual and physical, the reducing significance of church, the pain of meeting love in the real world rather than the ideal one. All this themes are building up via the thoughts of a young boy narrator.
The author, James Joyce was born in 1882 in Dublin. Having been born to an irresponsible father who was a drunk, there was disorder in his family. Despite these odds, he managed to go to school at Jesuit and at university college, Dublin. He left Ireland at the age of twenty and wrote the book” The shortest way to Tara”. The responsibility of taking care of his family was left to him while he was in Paris. The collections of short stories he wrote between 1904 and 1907 were named Dubliners. He then wrote the Portrait of the artist as a Young man in 1916 and Alysses in 1922. In 1948 he was working on Finnegan’s Wake in 1939. Before Dubliners was published, Joyce described it in the words ‘…with the conviction that he is a very bold man who dares to alter in the presentment, still dares to deform whatever he has seen and heard’ (Joyce 284).
This article tries to explain the major theme in the short story, Araby. The article is developed from observations that the author made in his country which he describes as having been the center of paralysis. ‘I chose Dublin for the scene because that city seemed to me to be the center of paralysis…’ (Joyce 284).
This article tries to explain the conditions of life in Dublin at the time when James Joyce was being brought up though a young school boy who lives in an isolated house with his uncle and aunty. The article’s main theme is love. The narrator confesses ‘I pressed the palms of my hands together until they trembled, murmuring: O love! O love! Many times’ (Joyce 286).
There are certain lifestyles that we cannot ignore in our daily lives however much we try to live certain lifestyles, we are required to relate with each other for companionship and company. This article tries to examine the theme of love among the characters in the short story, Araby. Through the actions of these characters, we are able to learn how we should live harmoniously with each other.
The priest
He was the former occupant of the house in which the narrator and his uncle and aunty lived in north Richmond Street. We learn that we should be charitable to the less fortunate during our lifetime. We also learn that we should be ready to assist those who need what we have in excess. ‘In his will he leaves all his money to institutions and the furniture of his house to his sister’ (Joyce 285). This is evidence that although his house was located far from other people, he had love for the people around him. We also learn that we should live for the good of others. The priest himself lived for the benefit of the society.
The narrator
He is a schoolboy who lives with his uncle and aunty in a house which was initially occupied by a priest who passed on. From him we learn that we cannot live without company. We need company from time to time at various levels of our activities. For instance, the narrator sneaks from home after school so that he could go and play in the streets with his friend, Magnan. This usually takes place after dinner. . He explains ‘the cold air stung us and we played till our bodies glowed’ (Joyce 285).
We also learn that it is natural to get attracted to people of the opposite sex. This explains why people engage in relationships. The narrator confesses that he had a strong desire for Magnan’s sister. Although he plays with Magnan, he is more interested in his sister. He explains’ I had never spoken to her...
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