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Please Read Tim O'brien's Novel In The Lake Of The Woods

Essay Instructions:

Dear Writer,
Please read Tim O'Brien's novel, "In the Lake of the Woods", from chapter 1-16, and write the essay.
Two outside academic sources are needed from https://www(dot)libraries(dot)rutgers(dot)edu/ you can randomly find them by yourself. Please email me a 2-3 pages draft no late than 12/4.
Detailed instruction is attached under files.
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Essay Sample Content Preview:
In the Lake of the Woods
Tim O’Brien is one of the renowned authors of novels in the world. He has written many novels and the most read of his novels is known as In the Lake of the Woods. In the Lake of the Woods starts with two characters whose names are not known to the audience or readers; who in the after math of events concerning primary elections makes a decision to rent a cottage at a place known as Lake of the Woods. There are neither people nor towns in the environment that surrounds the cottage. However, there is a beautiful scene of a lake that is in the direction of the North of Canada. It is important to remember that these two unnamed characters at the beginning of the story went to the Lake of the Woods for two main reasons; for solitude and also to be together (O'Brien, 2).
This essay examines an analysis of a novel called In the Lake of the Woods by one of the renowned authors called Tim O’Brien.
Analysis of the Novel
These two unknown characters at the beginning of the story stayed at the lake of woods and never had sex with each other. Although they tried to have sex, it did not turn out right and the narrator of the story did not expound on the issue further. Despite the fact that they never had sex, but they tried to cheer each other up even though one of these characters had already lost a party primary election and also secretly understand that it was a crushing loss. It is quite funny that these two unknown characters chose to discuss about the possible names for their children rather than discussing the loss. Probably they chose to do this because they were trying to move on from the loss. As a way for trying to move on from the loss, the two characters are thinking of places to visit during holidays (Melley, 106). Later in the novel, the name of these unknown characters is revealed and these characters are known as Kathy Wade and the other one is known as John Wade. Kathy Wade suggests that they should visit Verona, Italy. Kathy and John are discussing bout Verona, Italy, as if it is a place where anything bad has ever happened. Nonetheless, after spending six nights in the Lake of the Woods, Kathy informs John Wade that things are not really bad, and if they work together they can make things better. In not more than thirty six hours, Kathy shall have left Lake of the Woods for Verona, Italy. As Kathy was leaving, she gladly informs her companion that he can land a job with a law firm found in Minneapolis, and jointly they will be able to put together a proper budget and begin paying off their debts. Although Kathy is talking about her plans, John Wade is trying to be positive in life. John Wade closes his eyes and imagines or pictures a big mountain crushing him. Despite all these happenings, he is still able to kiss Kathy passionately and embraces her. he is of the idea that in disbelief, concerning the a big loss he suffered during the primaries, as a matter of facts John Wade was beaten close to a ration of three to one (O'Brien, 2).
According to O'Brien, John Wade cannot fathom the fact that he has lost a primary election for the United States senate seat at the age of 41 years old, while when was around 37 years old he was the lieutenant governor (3). It is important to note that John was humiliated by the loss that he suffered from the party primary elections, he fills like screaming out and also to cut things with a knife. He cannot fathom the fact that his life has been slowly growing, and now allover sudden things have come down crumbling right before his face. However, as he is trying to think about his situation, he promises Kathy that they will together travel to Verona, Italy. Kathy can be seen asking John about having babies, she is also concerned about she is becoming too old, however, John assures her that they will be able to get many more children. after saying all these, Kathy can be seen weeping, and she insists that she still loves John so much and she does not care about elections completely. As she was crying, she can be seen asking John if he loves her, and he responds by confirming that he still loves her despite the challenges that they are facing in their current lives. When Kathy left for Verona, John was able to vividly remember how she was pressing her hands on John’s forehead (Melley, 121).
The Nature of Magic and Illusion
When the novel was published for the first time, most of the people that read the book were very much irritated by the fact that Tim O’Brien was not able to solve the mystery that he had laid...
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