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Alcohol And Different Types Of Drugs In The Market

Essay Instructions:

2. Use 1-inch margins (top, bottom, left, right); note that MS Word is auto-set to 1.25” margins

3. Name, date, person ID number, and name of assignment in top left corner, SINGLE-SPACED.

4. Use ONLY 12-point, Times New Roman font, DOUBLE-SPACED (it's easier for us to make notes when it's double-spaced).

5. No less than two pages, and preferably no more than four (though if you find you have a lot to say, you can write more).

6. A logical conceptual flow.

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Drugs and Alcohol
Drugs and alcohol are substances that alter the way the human body functions. There different types of drugs in the market such as cocaine, bhang, and heroine among others. These are known as hard drugs because their effects in the body are stronger than other drugs such as tobacco. As well, in most parts of the world, such drugs are illegal and an individual can serve a long term jail when caught with or using the drugs. Alcohol is legal for the sale to persons under the age of eighteen years. However, the fact that it is legal does not mean that it is good for use. Its effects vary from one individual to another as evidenced in the behavior that different individuals express when under the influence of alcohol (Donohue, Brad, et al. 2014). As well, there are different types of alcohol and their effects depend on the amount that an individual takes at a given time. Alcohol can also affect the liver over time and therefore, individuals should be educated on the importance of not drinking or even taking a reasonable amount of alcohol. In addition, smoking is harmful since it destroys the lungs and can lead to lung cancer (Liu, Di, et al. 2017).
People have different perspectives when it comes to the use of drugs and alcohol. I don’t use drugs or alcohol due to the effects that it brings to the body. I think that most of the people become disorderly and carry out shameful acts that they end up regretting once they are sober (Akbar 2017). As well, drugs and alcohol come a long with a certain cost whereas that money could be used to carry out other constructive things such as helping the poor. Despite the common notion that most individuals use drugs and alcohol in order to have fun, I belief that there are many ways through which an individual can still entertain themselves and avoid a boring life. Among such ways is swimming, watching movies or going for a walk with friends (Sussman, Steve, et al 2014).
A good example of a situation that influence my decision of taking alcohol or drugs is the fact that my parents are divorced. The main reason for the divorce is the domestic violence that my mum, siblings and I went through as a result of my father taking alcohol. I recall the cold nights when my siblings could stay up all night because we could sleep out of the arguments from my parents’ bedroom. This became the routine at our home until one fateful day when my dad hit my mum. That led to the divorce. I treasured my family so much and that’s the reason I decided to stay away from alcohol and drugs. It brought no benefit in our family. Instead, it destroyed our childhood and up to date, I really don’t know how it feels like to grow up under the arms of a caring father. It is a situation I wouldn’t wish for my children to go through.
The above situation, beliefs and ideas about alcohol and drugs have a great impact in my life because I have never seen anything good come out of the people that I know use alcohol and drugs. I have lost friends to hard drugs and that pain keeps me motivated to stay away from drugs. As a result, I choose my friends wisely in order to avoid the temptations of peer pressure at any given moment. I want to focus on my education and career in order to ...
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