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What Is The Ethical Issue Discussed In Your Snapshot?

Essay Instructions:

BONUS Ethical Snapshot
Due: Must be submitted by Thursday, December 7 at 11:59 PM.
This is an opportunity to gain bonus points; however, you can only complete this assignment if you have already submitted an Ethical Snapshot. Bonus points will be determined as follows:

If you receive an A on this assignment, you will receive 20 bonus points.
If you receive an B on this assignment, you will receive 15 bonus points.
If you receive an C on this assignment, you will receive 10 bonus points.

The instructions for this assignment are the same as for the other Ethical Snapshot:

For one of the ethical issues we've discussed (or will discuss) in class, you must find an example of the issue at play in real life and answer a set of questions. Whatever medium you choose (e.g. a news article, blog post, video, case study, etc.), it should present an argument on the ethical issue(s) discussed.

Submission Instruction

Cut & paste the questions below into the assignment text-entry box in Canvas and type your answers there.
You MUST include the item about which you are writing. You may either:
Upload it as an attachment (doc, docx, or pdf formats only)
Paste a web link to it into your completed assignment
If it is in hard copy only, you should scan & upload it as a PDF or give it to me in class.
Answer the following questions about the snapshot you chose.

What is the ethical issue discussed in your snapshot?
What is the author's primary stance on this issue?
What morally relevant features and/or facts of the debated issue does the author primarily focus on?
Do you see any other morally relevant features or facts that he/she ignores or should have included?
What is the strongest part(s) of the argument? Support your answer.
What is the weakest part(s) of the argument or explanation? Support your answer.
What is your personal response to this article?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor’s Name:
What is the ethical issue discussed in your snapshot?
Discrimination grounded in diversity.
The author, Benjamin (2016) is elucidating on the issue of discrimination but one that is grounded in diversity. From the text, being black was her only crime, and she continues to show how she was a victim of racial discrimination. As a person who was working in the media, the author was disturbed by the portrayal of the black actors who were only gifted lesser roles (roles which depicted them as less educated and empowered than their counterparts) compared to the white actors and actresses. In one instance, she tells of how she confronted a television producer about the issue: “why couldn’t we have a more diverse portrayal of professional black characters, such as lawyers and accountants, and he dismissively told me ‘that is not realistic’.” The answer provided by the producer was indeed suggestive of the mindset people had back then when the author was beginning her career. While time has changed and people have been more vocal about the issue of discrimination, there is still a significant portion of the populous that still looks down on people from other races.
What is the author’s primary stance on this issue?
The author believes that discrimination still exists because people are afraid of socializing beyond their comfort zones or races or religious inclinations. “I believe it’s partly because people are afraid to step outside their comfort zone and would rather stick to what they feel comfortable with.” She notes that people are indeed afraid of what they will discover about the other races or religions, and it is this fear that makes some people reluctant to push beyond their social constructs. “Having to deal with their fear of the unknown can throw up inadequacies and a loss of confidence – a feeling of not being in control.” The above statement is rich in its description of the issue under review because it also brings to light another issue that is often ignored. Discrimination can be caused by people’s fear of getting eclipsed or finding out they are not the most intelligent or the most hardworking or the most principled in the society. Some people pride themselves on being associated with a particular class of people and therefore, some cannot fathom the thought that there are others who are more deserving of the positions they hold in the society.
The author also believes that people need to “make changes to have empathy with others.” The truth is, one cannot understand or comprehend the existence of discrimination in the workplace or anywhere else if they do not socialize beyond their social constructs. It is only through making relevant changes that the author believes we can have “a world of inclusion and acceptan...
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