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How to Reinvent Ourselves and Create Our Well-Being

Essay Instructions:

write an essay arguing that we can actually create our own well-being. It would be helpful to begin the essay by creating the need for your argument: think about illustrating how our society looks at, and promotes, happiness as something that can be purchased or something that can be created and manipulated as almost perfect. Then, spend the majority of the paper explaining what our real focus should be in order to obtain a true sense of realistic well-being in our lives.
Be sure that your essay addresses the following ideas:
1. Identify the issue for the reader. You may need to provide a brief history or explain the current situation.
2. Clarify your position on the issue and your purpose for writing.
3. Thoroughly explain and defend your position on the issue.
4. Provide support for all claims, and explain exactly how the facts support the claims. Remember that facts don't always have to be statistical. Personal stories and experiences found in research are also very convincing and help to add interest—think logos, pathos, ethos, and kairos!
Research Specifications
-Your paper should be approximately 7 pages.
-You need to have a minimum of 5 sources (please keep world wide web research to a minimum); I'd like you to demonstrate your ability to gather library research (Links to an externalsite.)Links to an external site.. Remember to access the wealth of material in the library's online databases. If you do choose to incorporate information from websites, you MUST be extremely critical when determining the validity of the author and the information. I'd suggest using Google Scholar (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to obtain more appropriate sources--no Wikipedia, please.
-The essay must follow MLA (Modern Language Association) guidelines, as all assignments have done so far; you are required to include citations and conclude the essay with a Works Cited page. If you do not provide accurate citations and a properly documented Works Cited page, you will lose major points on this assignment. It is imperative that the reader be able to locate the information that you are giving! If you haven't given EasyBib (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. a try, it's a nice resource for helping you put your Works Cited page together. Be certain that you're citing using MLA's 8th edition updates.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
How to Reinvent Ourselves and Create Our Well-Being
“Don’t worry about a thing, cause every little thing is gonna be alright.” Sounds familiar, is it not? This line is from one of Bob Marley’s very famous feel good songs; do not worry and just be happy because every little thing is going to be alright. I am sure that anyone who hears this song will surely feel good about life and will surely feel, even if not totally, happy. The song actually builds. It gives a positive feeling of hope, optimism, and faith. Somehow, all your problems just go away and you feel like you own the world.
But what does really happiness means? How does someone achieve the peak of it? How do you know when you are happy? Is it when you feel like you have everything in the world or is it when you feel like even if you do not have everything, you still have the world?
Recently, a lot of things have been associated with true happiness. However, it would seem like this “true” happiness is associated with material things such as the latest gadget, the fastest and most beautiful car, a big white house, or any other quantifying things. It seems like today, the more of these that you have, the better you are; and, the better you are, the happier you become.
In an article by Monbiot (Monbiot, George), he described ‘materialism’ as a “system that eats us from the inside out.” Indeed, materialism does. If you have noticed, children today are very materialistic and technology-inclined. Sometimes you eat a restaurant and then you see an eight-year old kid playing a game using the latest iPhone, or sometimes you ride the bus and you see a child playing the latest game in the latest generation of the iPad series. There are even times when you ride the bus, and then outside the window, you see a teenager or a very young adult driving the latest model of a motor company. It is but a little amusing, right? Especially when you start to realize that when you were a kid, you did not need things like that to be happy. All you needed when you were a child was a play in the park with the other kids, or a field trip to the zoo with your classmates, or a very simple mobile phone when you got older. And so, this makes you wonder: Is that really what happiness means nowadays? Does being popular and rich make you the happiest kid?
Of course, the answer would be no. Psychology, and I guess even other subjects and branches of science, would agree that genuine happiness comes from within. While it is true that having material things is true happiness, it is not genuine. You are just happy, but the truth is, you are not genuinely happy.
So how do we become naturally and genuinely happy? Simple: create a healthy well-being free from all the temptations and lures of the outside world. We can actually create our own well-being. We just have to focus and concentrate on the things that needs our attention the most and disregard the things that might corrupt our sense of genuine happiness. What do you need to focus on to do this? This essay will give you the things that you should really focus on to obtain your desired true sense of genuine and realistic well-being, which in turn, will result to a genuine and real kind of happiness.
Focus on More Important Things
This is actually the first step in creating a healthy well-being and living a happy life. You have to prioritize whatever is on your plate right now. More than that, you have to remember that material things easily deteriorate and disappear. This means that if you want to be happy, you have to let go of being materialistic. Like what Monbiot (Monbiot, George) said, “materialism forces us into comparison with the possessions of others… there is no end to it.” A person who values material things more is a person who will never get contented; and, a person who never gets contented will never be happy as long as he lives.
What is your remedy if you will let go of these material things? That is easy. Divert your attention into more important things – your job, your family, your friends, and all the people around you who are willing to care for you a lot more than what material things can offer. Like what I have said, material things deteriorate and disappear, but the people around you will never will. They will stay even if all of these material things will disappear. Above all, they will make you feel happy more than anything.
Thus, start letting go of the things you have and start making memories with the people that matter. I am not saying that you should let go literally of the things that you have, though. What I am trying to emphasize is stop idolizing these things and making them your worth. Instead, start embracing life and what the people around you can offer because that is what your real worth is.
Do Not Overthink
People tend to remember the bad things instead of the good ones when remembering the past. When engaged in a conversation, they usually talk about the problems that they have encountered or the troubles that they have experienced. They never really talk about the happiness in those moments. In return, they feel that pain of suffering, that pain of guilt, and sometimes, that pain of torment (Brooks, David).
Suffering is a choice. While it is inevitable, it is actually a choice. There may have come a point in your life when you felt like you are totally being neglected and abandoned by the whole world, but still, your choice to be imprisoned in that feeling of neglect and abandonment lingering through your bones is a choice...
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