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Three type of dog owners

Essay Instructions:
This is a classification essay. The essay needs to be consist of 5 body paragraphs. Paragraph 1:Introduction&Thesis statement, Paragraph 2: category 1 of the classification, Paragraph 3:Category 2 of the classification, Paragraph 4: Category 3 of the classification, Last paragraph: Conclusion.
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(February 23, 2012)
Three types of dog owners
The essay on three types of dog owners looks on the different types of dog owners. The different dog owners have different dogs that have different behaviors and different results. Dog owners treat their done differently and are meant for different purposes.
The first type is the dreamer; this type of owner thinks that dogs are usually programmed to live with people. The dreamer type of owners expects their dogs to act responsibly without training which cannot happen. Dreamer`s type of owners doesn`t invest on dog training since they expect dogs to be aware of the kind of behaviors which is not possible.
The other type of dog owner is the spoiler, this type of owner looks into the furry face and can`t say no they love their dogs and can do anything for them. The spoiler always allows dogs to have their own way and this may lead to them getting into trouble. The spoilers tend to ignore dog behaviors they don`t like.
The other type of owner is the confuser, the confuser more like the dreamer tends to give the dog much credit than he deserves. The confuser is of the thought that dogs are smart enough to ma...
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