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Analytical Paper on 'Naomi' by Tanizaki Junichiro

Essay Instructions:
I will upload the Guideline as an attached file. You will be able to get the basic ideas on how the paper should be constructed from the guideline. The prompt I would like the writer to write on is "What kind of role does Naomi's aesthetic beauty of her body play in the book?" So the thesis of the paper will be the answer to this question. Even though the topic is about Naomi's body, I want the paper to focus on Joji's( the protagonist) point of view. His obsession towards Naomi's body and how it affects his decision towards the relationship. (Like how even after their spiritual connection fades away, he still stays with Naomi from the physical connection he has towards her.) How he sees her parts of body individually, especially her whiteness of her skin. Also how she's described as a goddess, spiritual figure. I want the writer to think about Tanizaki's LANGUAGES he use to describe Naomi's body. What it means and tells us. Around THREE passages of close reading will be enough to support the argument. Page162, 170,176, 221 has some descriptions of Naomi's body in detail. But please feel free to use any passage. There are actually quite a lot of passages that describes Naomi's body so please choose carefully which will be a good argument. ITS ALL ABOUT CLOSE READING AND HOW YOU MAKE THE BOOK MORE INTERESTING THAN IT IS ALREADY THROUGH YOUR THOUGHTS AND ARGUMENTS IN THE PAPER. Thank you.
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The body of Naomi in the “eyes” of Joji
This wonderful story focuses on a middle class young man named Joji and his lover Naomi. Naomi worked as a waitress in Tokyo Japan when Joji first met her. This young lady, Naomi, is been described as a modern young lady who has “raised” herself above the traditional Japanese woman. She is working in the city and not only that but in a place that can be described as a hub for the westerners in Japan. In the twentieth century, most countries Japan included things were changing from the norms; woman focused more in achieving what the male counterparts had achieved, lifestyle included. These trends had a lot of impact on the norms of the people in Japan; they challenged the mainstream representations of domesticity and femininity; their way of dressing and the kind of products they bought; their behaviors towards relationships changed, in that they could have an alternative romantic relationships outside the marital relationships; and not to forget the fact that they were moving from homes in the rural areas to the urban cities in search of jobs just like their counter parts, man. The author has used Naomi’s body to bring forth to the audience Joji’s mental picture, craving and the concerns that he had in the larger social context. Therefore, this paper seeks to understand the different attributes that Naomi’s body reflects to the audience in the point of view if his husband, Joji and their significances.
Just from the start of the novel, Joji presents Naomi has extra ordinary young lady who is full of power to overcome barriers. When they first met Joji could not hold the desire that had build toward her as a result of her "western" look. As a result of her perfect body’s he could ask himself if really Naomi was a real human being. During his lifetime he had never seen a lady like Naomi only her comparison could be the movie actors. He thought probably Naomi was a ghost! This phrase in the novel reflects the true thoughts of Joji towards the lady: “I sat by her pillow, held my breath, and stealthily gazed at her sleeping form. In old days, a fox might deceive a young man by taking the form of princess, only to reveal its true form when it slept and give itself away…if she were a fox and her true form were this bewitching, then I’d eagerly let myself be enchanted”, 20. Comparing Naomi to a fox takes us back to the traditions Japanese held; they understood the fact that a fox had the ability to transform itself to deceive men. This aspect is been used to bring forth the extra ordinary figure and features that Naomi had equipped herself with as a result of modernization. This magnitude of attraction could only be influenced by a lady who had a modern aspect as opposed to the traditional Japanese woman. It is clearly noted that Japanese women never had long; they shaved it and most of the times they wore hats. This picture automatically does not attract a man who is learned.
Through the description of Joji on Naomi’s body and the comparison of her body with other women, the reader can be in a position to extract the different classifications of woman in Japan by then. The first class according to Joji is the most refined middle-class woman; secondly, the class attributed to Russian countess and dance teacher by the name Madame Shlemskaya and finally the class of the majority local woman that Joji talk of in the theaters and dancing hall. As a result modernization Naomi has been able to transform her picture and looks to fit in the refined class of the minority woman in Tokyo, the middle class. Through the “eyes” of Joji the audience is able to note the different classes and above all understand the fact that during those times bodies were classified based not only on their skin color, hair color, body size and proportion, body hair, bodily odors but also based on posture, clothing, gesture, attitude and tone.
Naomi’s unique lifestyle including the dressing code (associated with body), the type of product she could buy speaks a lot about her and above all illustrates the change from a ...
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