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S.M.A.R.T. Recovery

Essay Instructions:
use the three argumentative appeals, identify and articulate differing opinions, rebut counter arguments, MLA in-text citations, MLA works cited page, explore and explain CBT as part of smart recovery, restate thesis in a fresh way in conclusion, more than three sentences per paragraph, written in academic implied 1st person
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(February 25, 2013)
Smart recovery are initials standing for an organization that is international and is called self management and recovery training, this is a nonprofit making organization that helps people to avoid and to recover from addictive behaviors. This organization uses different approaches to the problems of those who seek assistance, some of the approaches that are used include the cognitive method, the secular method, the motivational, behavioral and non confrontational method with science based means. The smart recovery organization is bases upon scientific means of understanding, the principles that are adopted by the organization include the conduction of motivational interviews that are majorly found in the motivational enhancement therapy (MET). Cognitive behavior therapy is one of the most recognized methods of recovery by the organization. "The smart recovery organization addresses four points in the recovery path of an individual these are problem solving, building of personal motivation, having a lifestyle balance and coping with the urges" (Mitchell, et al, 40).
The cognitive behavior therapy is part of the smart recovery program and is defined as a psychotherapeutic means of approach to the addressing of the emotional dysfunctions, the cognitive processes, and the maladaptive behaviors. This method of solving the problems adopts the systematic procedures that are goal oriented. This kind of the recovery method is based upon of principles based on basic cognitive and behavior research. The method of cognitive behavior therapy in smart recovery is basically used in the treatment of conditions "such as the substance abusers, psychotic disorders, feelings of anxiety, having bad moods, eating disorders and other behaviors related to the state of the mind" (Hester, & Miller, 45). The method has been favored in the recovery processes that include the disorders that are usually based on the effects of the mind for treatment and recovery processes. According to the process of adoption of the cognitive behavior it is believed that the change in the maladaptive way of thinking leads to the change in through effect and behaviors of individuals`. Cognitive behavior therapy is one of the means that is used by the smart recovery to give support to individuals in challenging their pattern and their beliefs.
There are some of the thinking processes that the cognitive behavior therapy as a means of the smart recovery process emphasizes on. The process tends to change the thinking pattern where the problems of thinking where an individual tends to generalize on the negative by magnifying and adopting the school of thoughts of the negative ways of life. The other problem may be the minimizing of the positive thoughts. The cognitive behavior therapy in such a cases the mind state alteration tends to be more realistic in the emphasize of effective thoughts giving the ability to decrease the emotional thoughts and reducing what in most cases tends to be self defeating behaviors due to the adopted means of the pattern of thinking (Smith & Meyers, 39). The mainstream cognitive behavior thought is one of the means used to help a person replace the pattern of maladaptive emotions, skills and cognations with a more adaptive means. The process by which an individual`s means of thinking is changed is through the challenging process of the person`s way of thinking and the actions and reactions to certain types of behaviors.
There has been change of the cognitive methods from the traditional to modern means where the techniques adopted includes the relaxation training, the acceptance and the commitment therapy, the exposure therapy, the cognitive processing therapy and the dialectical behavior therapy there are six phases of the cognitive behavior therapy, these phases includes the assuagement of an individual`s state of mind. The re-conceptualization of the states, skill acquisition phase, skills consolidation and application training must be taken into account. "The general and maintenance and the final phase which involves the post treatment and assessment follow up" (Mitch...
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