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Ordinary People

Essay Instructions:
In a two paged essay address the following prompt as completely as possible. Using depression analyze the way Judith Guest utilizes the idea in her novel. Pay special attention to how the auther uses contrast and change over the course of the plot to make her points. Specific areas of focus. -construct and follow an outline -include at least two specific quotes from the novel, you must include the page-number on which yoy found the quote. Analyze the language in the quotes as it applies to your concept
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discussion on Depression: Ordinary People by Judith Guest
Conrad, Calvin and Beth become unstable after the death of Burk. Throughout the novel, they struggle to find meaning in life. Depression is the main theme in the novel by Judith Guest.
Depression in the Characters
Conrad is Calvin’s and Beth’s son. He developed depression after the death of his brother Burk partly because he felt guilty for surviving during the boating accident while his brother did not survive. Though he seems okay at the time of his release from hospital, Conrad still struggles with depression and he has a hard time adjusting emotionally to ordinary life. He has stopped going for swimming, going for choir and has alienated himself from his friends and instead spends most of his time in the library after school. When he gets the news that his friend Karen has committed suicide, he becomes exceedingly disturbed. It is notable that, in his quest to find meaning in life, he falls out with his friends and later makes up with them.
On the other hand, Conrad’s father Calvin remains emotionally consistent compared to his mother Beth. He understands that Conrad is going through a rough patch. He seeks psychiatric therapy for him and consistently monitors his progress. Calvin is busy trying to ensure that Conrad fully accepts the loss and successfully gets over the depression. It is notable that he neglects his need to grieve. The depressed Calvin autocratically insists that the family stays in Illinois regardless of whether Beth feels that they should go for vacation. He adamantly obsesses about his son’s welfare leading to a communication breakdown between him and Beth. He is uncooperative and acts outrageously without realizing that his stand is extreme and it only makes things wo...
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