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Monitor in Work Place

Essay Instructions:
Some people believe that employers have the right to monitor their employees with video cameras and listening devices and read their employees\' electronic mail. Employers argue that they have a right to protect the interests of the workplace against security breaches, possible employee misconduct such as sexual or verbal harassment of other employees, and/or an employee stealing confidential information. Other people believe that such monitoring is a violation of their right to privacy and their First Amendment rights. Should an employee\'s privacy and First Amendment rights be protected in the workplace? Be sure to offer valid reasons, explanations, and examples to support your argument. **no outside source can be used in this paper** **5-6 paragraphs with strong thesis statement**
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(February 27, 2013)
Monitor in Work Place
Work place monitoring is based on the employers need to usually make sure that the employees are performing in their roles as they are required to. However no employee wants to be monitored at work place throughout as this violates all the privacy right which is an amendment act. The monitoring of employees has led to conflicts in work places due to the violation of the privacy of employees. With the development of the new technologies it is possible for the employers to monitor most of the employees aspects while in job. The monitoring is more in the computer terminals, telephones, the electronic and the voice mails and in cases when the employees are using the internet.
According to the employees there should be an amendment act that protects their rights of privacy since some of these monitoring methods inhibit their privacy. Some of the issues that should be put into consideration during employment to ensure that employees are enjoying their privacy while the employer enjoys the monitoring are. The creation of an agreement between the employee and the employer on the monitoring levels and the privacy issues that are not to be monitored such as mail reading. The agreeing of the employer and the employee is necessary before setting of the monitoring policy and should be signed by both the employee and the employer. In such a case the privacy of the employee id protected since the employer only monitors them to the extent of the agreement. Employees should also be given full information of the monitoring level such as working under video observation during the hiring. In cases where the employees are not informed they engage in their private activities leading to them being monitored which violate their privacy right. The knowledge of the monitoring helps the employees to know where to do some of their private deeds hence protecting them from being monitored.
The employees act differently under the monitoring condition with some feeling threatened and hence perform their tasks with intimidation. Employees act out of free will and when their privacy to act on free will is inhibited this may lead to them being under pressure. Employees are free to have freedom of speech but are responsible for the consequences at work place the employee`s freedom of speech should be amended and whe...
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