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The U.S 2020 Presidential Candidates

Essay Instructions:

3-4 pages of text, footnotes or endnotes, a brief

bibliography and should follow the rules of the MLA Style Sheet.

Compare and contrast two possible Presidential major political party (1 D, 1 R)

candidates for 2020. Visit their web sites and consult their biographies. How do they stand on three issues (energy crisis, Foreign Policy Crises, War on Terror, health care, taxes, illegal immigration, abortion, VA and IRS, etc.)? How well is each prepared to assume the responsibilities of the Presidency? Cite the web sites and books (at least two) and any other sources such as magazine articles or journals in your bibliography.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The U.S 2020 Presidential Candidates Name Institution The U.S 2020 Presidential Candidates The 2020 U.S presidential elections is likely to be once again bitterly fought between the Democrats and the Republicans. The tone is already set for what many consider to be one of the closest elections in recent memories. Republicans are working to ensure that no one competes against the current president, Donald Trump, in the nominations. Therefore, it is largely expected that Donald Trump will be the sole candidate for the Republican Party. However, the Democratic side is already crowded with close to twenty candidates showing their interest. One of the top names that have emerged is Senator Elizabeth Warren. Therefore, in this paper, I am going to compare Donald Trump and Elizabeth Warren. Before becoming president, Donald Trump had no political experience. Some people believed that he was a good change while others doubted his credentials. His first term in the office has not been smooth sailing. However, he has gained enough experience to be a credible 2020 presidential candidate. On abortion, the president advocates for ending abortion funding. On the other hand, he believes that Planned Parenthood is also not good. In 2016, Trump’s stance was that taxes were high and this limited chances for growth. However, his administration has not lowered taxes on the poor. Instead, many believe that the administration has lessened the tax burden on the rich. On civil rights, Trumps stance has been anything but stable (ontheissues.org, 2018). On one hand, he noted that people should be fired on the grounds of their sexual orientation. On the other hand, he notes that Civil Rights Act should be extended to apply to lesbians and gays. Trump has taken a strong stance against illegal immigration. It is the issue of an ongoing tussle between him and the current congress. Trump believes that the U.S should fight illegal immigration strongly and has called for a wall to be built between the U.S and Mexico border as a way of fighting illegal immigrants. Trump also holds that there should be a pause towards issuing green cards which will reduce the number of people entering the U.S. On energy crisis, Trump believes that there is need to revive the coal industry and that there should be an end to the war on coal. Trump has often downplayed the importance of global warming and climate change, noting that it is just a myth. For this reason, he withdrew the U.S from the Paris accord. Trumps foreign policy is seen as alienating the...
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