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The Truth about Dishonesty

Essay Instructions:



Your Essay will center around one central narrative. Using the above document ( Formulating Topics, Thesis Questions, Researching Questions-21 February 2018.docx) as a guide, formulate TWO detailed thesis questions based on the reading (Ariely). As the document indicates, start by doing some research on a question of interest. A couple things to think about might be how we can APPLY Ariely's ideas to our lives, our culture, an example, a story, a topic... For example, does all this support about our dishonesty have something to say about fake news? About our current political state? Advertising? Or in more blunt terms, Do we have a problem with dishonesty? If so, where and how can you find it and support it beyond the text? And if not, how can we explain all this cheating, self-deception, and over rationalization? Feel free to explore and follow your curiosity.

After you have done some exploring, find one narrative example that you think represents your topic/slant idea that you can focus your essay around. One former student wrote an interesting essay about Brock Turner (the Stanford student who committed rape) using Turner's own language and transcripts from the trial to argue that he failed to own up to his responsibility in the crime, and deceived himself about, not only his own culpability, but in his self-signaling as a good guy who did a bad thing (and blamed it mostly on alcohol). Another student wrote about the football player, Ray Rice, and his beating of his girlfriend, using it to argue that the culture of football has problematic messages surrounding domestic abuse.

A great model for this essay is Rutger Bregman's essay "The Real Lord of the Flies," (https://www(dot)theguardian(dot)com/books/2020/may/09/the-real-lord-of-the-flies-what-happened-when-six-boys-were-shipwrecked-for-15-months) Do you notice how, at the very heart of the essay exists an extremely broad, generalized claim about human nature? That it's kind, compassionate and social, rather than selfish, destructive, and violent? Now just imagine Bregman writing that essay in the abstract without the story of the boys on the island. It would be a snooze, and an eye-roller, right? What makes this essay magical is how he uses one central narrative to make his argument. That is what great writers are able to do, and that is your task! So, as you research, make sure your looking for--and keeping an eye out for--a great story to center your essay around.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Truth about Dishonesty
Opposition: Honesty is the best policy. People should strive to be honest in everything they do.
Supported by: Honesty leads to better relationships and general wellbeing of people and the community. When we examine the general state of the world, it is clear that dishonesty plays a major role in its devastation. However, if people could learn to be more honest, we could create a better world for ourselves and our children. For instance, when one examines the global financial sector, it is clear that there is no guarantee about its stability. Experts have warned that unless the financial markets are regulated, we could experience another crisis in the coming years. Yet, financial sector players and governments have opted to remain quiet about this threat instead of addressing it. By failing to be honest about the flawed nature of the global financial sector, public and private sector players are creating a state of anxiety and distress among people.
Slant: Absolute honesty is not possible. People have to lie at times to survive in the world.
Supported by: When people lie, they sometimes do so to protect others. For example, in his book, Dan Ariely mentions that as a child, he suffered severe burns that have left him scarred for life. However, when he was at the hospital, his doctors avoided telling him the truth about the extent of the burns to keep him from losing ho...
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