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The Sit-In movement JFK’S Assassination Literature & Language Essay

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Please write a historical event not a behavior or festival

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JFK’S Assassination
John F. Kennedy assassination is a historical event in the U.S. The mortal shooting of the 35th president of America happened while he was in a motorcade in Texas on 22nd of November, 1963 (Giokaris). His accused assassin was a former United State Marine, LEE Harvey-Oswald who had involved himself with Marxism. However, Oswald did not even get the opportunity to plead not guilty in the court of law as he was murdered by Jacky Ruby who was an upset Dallas nightclub owner while he was getting transferred after being held in custody. The effects of the assassination had a significant impact both politically as well as culturally which greatly changed United States forever. Accordingly, the understudy will shed light on the effects of the JFK’s assassination in the United States.
One effect of the assassination was that television surpassed newspapers. Prior to the assassination, the newspaper had been the American’s main source of news for more than 200 years (Giokaris). Following Kennedy’s assassination, that all changed as it was the lengthiest never-ending news incident in TV history till the 9/11 attacks (Giokaris). Americans watched Walter Cronkite report the developments of the Kennedy’s shooting, the search for the murderer later, and the killing of Oswald. Till today, this became a trend which stays in effect since most Americans still use television as their main news source.
Another effect was beginning of the conspiracies era. Following this catastrophic event came all suspicious speculation of a much bigger conspiracy afoot since a large number of Americans could not accept the easiness of the assassination. Some believed the CIA were responsible of the shooting while extremists believed the commies ...
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