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Knowledge Production Connected Institutions Institutional Histories

Essay Instructions:

“From their very beginnings,” Alex Carp writes, “the American university and American slavery have been intertwined” (2). Demonstrating the intertwining of these two American institutions, Carp describes the research projects conducted at American universities and the attempts to uncover the history of higher education’s relationship to slavery. According to Carp, the production of knowledge at American universities is historically and culturally dependent upon the erased and forgotten lives of the black slaves who labored within and without the halls of academia. While the research projects that Carp describes are institutionally specific and historical, they are nonetheless committed to profound acts of community building and liberation. In other words, the “historical imagination” (3) described in Carp’s essay shares in common with Ta-Nehisi Coates an interest in how knowledge both binds and liberates. After reading and considering both articles carefully, answer the following questions by making connections between Coates and Carp and taking your own position: How is knowledge production connected to institutions and institutional histories, and how does knowledge relate to liberation?

Ta-Nehisi Coates, “Acting French” (2014)

Alex Carp, “Slavery and the American University” (2018)

these two are the resource we can cite

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Jingran Dai
Dr. Matthew John Phillips
355:100: Basic Composition
November 4, 2018
History and Education
It is a well-known fact that the history of some of the most prestigious American Universities are intertwined with the pitfalls of racism and other injustices done towards the black population. Ever since, this fact has been apparent with the issues showing certain levels of disparity existing between the Whites and the Blacks in terms of access to education. However, while most would argue that knowledge of the past is of little importance while addressing present issues is the best way to remove racism once and for all, what it less understood is the reality that our frame of mind depends on how we understand our own history. In this article, understanding these key issues would be done with the analysis of the articles written by Alex Carp and Ta-Nehisi Coates, entitled Slavery and the American University and Acting French, respectively. As according to Alex Carp, “strength lies not just in a profound sense of connection with the past but, through the past, a collective grappling with the present”. (Carp 14) Therefore, the history of any educational institution affects its presence and future, also the present situation and future projection can reflect the history of each educational institute. Similarly, it can be believed that by uncovering the realities of the past and using it as a template to reframe our present understanding, one could liberate themselves from the constraints of society and deal with the persistent issues more effectively.
Although it is widely-known that American Universities are built during the times of slavery, what is usually left out in history books is the reality that its establishment takes credit from the trade itself. On the one hand, this kind neglect is due to the system on how histories are recorded during those days. Before the abolition of slavery, slaves were not given the right to learn how to read and write, much less when it comes to education (Carp 2). As a result of this system of naming most of the records about them were lost, thereby relegating their role in the establishment of the university. This is not surprising, since during those days, most of the liberties that Whites enjoyed are at the expense of the joy and freedom of the blacks (Coates). However, while this surely neglect necessitates justice, even with a simple act of recognition, what is surprising is that little effort has been made as compared to what is necessarily right to uncover the truth. These days, a lot of scholars working in these institutions have focused on histories concerning the blacks, but only little have been done about their history in relation to the establishment of these academic institutions. In turn, this lack of effort is the reason why Carp has argued that the “ideas and institutions born in one era do not entirely cast off the forces that shaped them as they move through time”. To elaborate, educational institutes cannot be fully determined by its past and history, but it does not mean the history cannot shape the atmosphere of a school.
On the other hand, the functions and benefits that the universities were getting in expense of the slaves’ freedom is another reason why history has been written in such a way that neglec...
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