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Do you believe Native Speakers are the Best English Teachers?

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Do you believe Native Speakers are the Best English Teachers?

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Do you believe Native Speakers are the Best English Teachers?
For over a long time there has been a growing debate about whether native speakers make the best teachers as compared to non-native speakers. Many studies have also supported the idea that native speakers make the best English teachers and that they are the most suited to teach students. This wrongly held perception has led to a situation whereby the non-native English speakers have been exposed to open discrimination, especially by recruiters. Even though this is the case, there are many reasons why this view is wrong. These include; English as a language is rapidly becoming global, most native speakers have the disadvantage of being monolingual, and it is very wrong to assume that fluency in the English language is directly related to being the best teacher of the same language. Due to all these reasons, I disagree with the view that native speakers are the best English teachers.
English is rapidly becoming a global language with very many people using it thereby eliminating the belief of a standard language. Notably, English is used in various spheres internationally including in business, culture, and politics (Rohde, Np., and Kachru, 3). According to the study, since the language is spoken in many countries all over the world, there has been a tendency to invent and introduce their versions of the language by using either hybrid English or broken English. For the native speakers, they do not get the opportunity to learn these new versions or new ways of presenting and interpreting issues in the same way the non-native speakers do. As a result, non-native speakers often find new ways of communicating when doing business, when talking and writing (Rohde). For example, in my case, I often hear Indian classmates speak in broken English, and some African Americans use pidgin, yet in all cases, they are able to communicate. As stated before, native speakers usually lack this kind of exposure, and in most cases, they find themselves imitating the ways of the non-native speakers due to lack of understanding. When this is considered, it means that students have more to gain from non-native English speaking teachers than from the native speakers.
Furthermore, changes in the modern world due to globalizing the English language implies that the rigidity of native speakers when it comes to adopting the changes in language makes them seem more like obstacles to learning (Graddol, 114). Fussell (26) adds that the fact that the language has gone global and therefore less formal, it means that with time it will be difficult for English from one given place to be considered as the standard language. In a real sense, it implies that both the native and non-native speakers will have the same position as these changes and therefore, none is better than the other.
Native speakers are mostly monolingual, unlike the non-natives who enjoy the advantage of being bilingual or even multilingual in other cases. According to Graddol (114), translation skills and interpreting are often common with bilingual speakers. Notably, the native speakers do lack the same skills, and this affects their students largely. In such cases, students may find it hard to communicate with native English speaking teachers due to their accents that may be somewhat too remote for the learners. In my class for example, at one time we were taught by a teacher who had a deep Southern accent. In the same class, a Chinese ...
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