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Rationale Behind More Stringent Gun Control Laws

Essay Instructions:

The second assignment is a way to delve into the theme of culture in such a way as to pinpoint a singular research problem/question worthy of future research and deliberation. Why: Explore sides of a debate as a means of developing content knowledge and refine scope of research problem by crafting a complex stance in relation to multiple sources. Situation: Develop sense of what and how to search within the context of cultural theme. I. Continue to articulate your research focus. 2. Practice academic prose writing conventions. 3. Develop a research question. 4. Engage with multiple sources from two opposing sides. Task: Refine topic that fits within the course theme and selected sources. The topic will ideally evolve your research problem and question that you can develop throughout the course. Your essay needs to address some sort of research problem or question. Your topic should be researchable, arguable, and relevant to Praxis 1 unless otherwise approved The essay should be an analysis of 4 or more sources. At least two sources must be allied with either side. The essay should be 7-8 pages. Students should articulate a clear thesis and argument, provide background on the topic in general, identify the parameters of the debate in particular, analyze competing perspectives in the debate, develop a stance that incorporates sources but contributes a new perspective to the debate, and provide a summary conclusion that points to the need for additional research (that you could respond to potentially in your final essay) Format This paper should be 7-8 pages and follow standard MLA or APA guidelines. Due Dates The rough draft (online and on paper) is due 11/6 by class time. Two printed copies must be brought to class. Failure to complete this portion of the assignment will lead to deductions from the final grade for Essay 2. It is good idea to save all college essays to a cloud or flash The final draft (online) of this paper is due on 11/11 at 11:59 pm.

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Gun Control
Gun control is one of the most controversial topics in the United States, with proponents of gun control, pushing for more stringent policies on gun control, and opponents of gun control insisting the laws on gun control are against the Second Amendment. The recent mass shootings in schools and the subsequent demonstration by survivors continue to raise the public debate on whether or not strict gun control laws should be enacted. Both the proponents and opponents of gun control make some strong and valid points in support of their arguments, which is why gun control is such a contentious issue. According to Kalesan, Mobily and Keiser (1), different states have enacted different legislatures in response to gun control, with some increasing the regulation of gun ownership and others deregulating gun ownership. A key issue surrounding the debate is whether controlling gun ownership would reduce the number of deaths from firearms. It is arguable that crimes are perpetrated by people and gun control could not be the solution. According to Swanson (1233), ‘people control’ is the real action in gun control. The U.S. is ranked first among high-income countries regarding the number of guns owned by private citizens (Weinberger, Hoyt and Lawrence III 513). It is deducible that the country lacks stringent laws in support of gun control, partly due to the Second Amendment, and could explain the high number of gun-related crimes and injuries. However, implementing more stringent laws to increase gun control will reduce the number of guns in the streets and individual homes and ultimately, the number of deaths from firearms will reduce.
Deaths resulting from firearms have been on the rise, and a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that deaths from firearms are higher than deaths from vehicular accidents. In most cases, deaths involving mass shooting receive much attention from the media and the public in general, but a report by the CDC reveals that guns are not only used in mass shootings but largely in suicides and homicides. For instance, more than 70% of all homicides are as a result of guns (CDC), an indication that the number of homicide deaths contributed by firearms are significantly high and deserve more attention. Suicides by firearms also constitute close to 50% of all suicides (CDC). This is an indication that guns are a public health issue and while it is true that human beings are responsible for instigating crime and inflicting pain on each other, it is clear that the easy access and availability of guns have made it easier for people to commit suicide and homicide. As noted by Bauchner, Rivara and Bonow (1), suicide by firearms is usually more successful than suicide using other means such as pills, which are rarely instant thus leaving enough time for someone to be saved. Stronger gun control laws could therefore be the key towards reducing the number of deaths due to suicides.
Several studies indicate that regulating the use of guns can save lives, reduce the number of injuries, and decrease the cost of such violence on the healthcare system. According to Cook and Donohue (1260), states that have adopted more stringent laws on gun control have registered a decline in the number of gun-related violent crimes by approximately 42.3%. People can thus protect themselves and stay safe from intruders as a result of gun ownership. The fact that people can protect themselves is one of the reasons why there have been conflicting opinions on whether gun control reduces or increases gun-related crime. However, Cook and Donohue (1260) further indicate that states that have implemented rights to carry policies have registered an increased rate of firearm-related violence. Thus, it is evident that laws that support firearm ownership have contributed to an increase in crime, whereas those that support firearms control have reduced the rate of crime. Other than saving lives, gun control can also help reduce the cost incurred as a result of gun violence. According to Weinberger, Hoyt and Lawrence III (513), the cost of gun violence is approximately $174 billion, which would be reduced significantly if the number of guns owned by individuals was reduced. The number of incidents in the emergency rooms, either intentional or unintentional can reduce if more stringent laws in support of gun control were implemented.
An absence of gun control measures makes it difficult to determine firearm owners and their intentions. The lack of effective gun control laws has contributed to the increased number of guns in the streets. This does not only put the public at risk but also negatively influences how law enforcement conducts their work, especially when it comes to policing the communities. For instance, during an active shoot-out scene, it is likely that more people will be in possession of concealed weapons in the absence of gun control laws (Cook and Donohue 1261), which may confuse the police because everyone will draw their weapon ready to protect themselves...
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