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The poems you will be using are

Essay Instructions:
In this assignment, your task is to choose two poems from our readings and offer a comparative analysis. You may use comparison, contrast, or some of both strategies in your essay. The main component of the essay will be a detailed exploration of language, including phrasing word use. Your thesis should show the point that you will make about the two poems. What will you claim? Do you want to explore similarities in poems from two different authors or eras? Or will you show differences between the poems that are not obvious on the surface? Do review the guidelines for poetry explication discussed here (sample poetry essays are also available on the site as well): You must also cite two academic articles in your essay. These can be found through the library databases. It should be a source from an academic journal that makes a complex point about your topic.Use brief textual references for analysis and cite these using MLA 8th edition format. briefly compare the images as well https://upload(dot)wikimedia(dot)org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/03/NY_Met_demuth_figure_5_gold.JPG/440px-NY_Met_demuth_figure_5_gold.JPG (The Great Figure) https://rolfpotts(dot)com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Bruegel.jpg (Musee des Beaux) These are the suroces you will use for textual analysis briefly https://research(dot)ebsco(dot)com/c/3zmrdy/viewer/pdf/k2rlh4emhv https://research(dot)ebsco(dot)com/c/3zmrdy/viewer/pdf/p3oolmox5b If you are not able to access these I will send you screenshots Aiken, Edward A. “‘I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold’: Charles Demuth’s Emblematic Portrait of William Carlos Williams.” Art Journal, vol. 46, no. 3, Oct. 1987, pp. 178–84. EBSCOhost, https://doi(dot)org/10.2307/777030. Dilworth, Thomas. “Auden’s ‘Musée Des Beaux Arts.’” The Explicator, vol. 49, no. 3, Mar. 1991, pp. 181–83. EBSCOhost, https://doi(dot)org/10.1080/00144940.1991.11484060. These are the 2 sources you will use briefly
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Subject and Section Professor’s Name Date Human Indifference in Poetry: A Reassessment of Auden’s “Musee des Beaux Arts” and Williams’s “The Great Figure” The principles of poetry include the ability to express extraordinary feelings and essential observations of the world and people in fragments of life. What can be revealed with the help of word associations and images is the ability to find unifying ideas that exist in different epochs and cultures. Two poets, W.H. Auden in "Musee des Beaux Arts" and William Carlos Williams in "The Great Figure," are prominent principals in the theme of indifference among people in disaster incidences. In comparison, being written in different conditions, types, and locations and, most importantly, in different centuries, both poems accentuate people's rather cold and indifferent attitudes to pain and desperate calls or signs. Despite using imagery, language, and form to capture the current catastrophe or urgency, Auden and Williams expand on the fact that the world persists, which creates a comment on society's indifference. First of all, with "Musee des Beaux-Arts," a poem provoked by the painting of Pieter Brueghel called “Faill of Icarus,” the story of Icarus' fall remains unnoticed. Auden employed this painting to show suffering in the background of the world doing its usual business. On the other hand, Williams's "The Great Figure” captures a singular, fleeting moment in an urban setting—a fantastic impression of a firetruck moving across the city streets during a rainy season. While Williams brings the moment of the atomic blast closer to the reader, his poem also characterizes the event as solitary against the background of the huge, indifferent city. In general, both poems convey the same theme of human apathy to events, which should be meaningful. Next, Auden focuses on the notion of people's unconcern for suffering is the focus of. Due to Auden’s depiction of falling Icarus and other characters around him, including the plowman who goes on plowing, and the ship that carries on sailing, this theory of people turning a blind eye to misery is underlined correctly. Thus, one day, the plowman hears Icarus falling into the water, yet this is not a significant failure; he goes on plowing. Auden opposes stopping or ceasing during significant life events, such as death and suffering. Critiques like Dilworth dwell on how Auden mundane objects become signs of disengagement. Moreover, Dilworth claims that the miraculous birth in the poem is shown together with children who skate on a pond and are indifferent to the grand event​. This might mean that even when the individual transcends the world in the most important ways, the world itself does not respond; it continues its course. Likewise, Williams's poem captures the moment of some event, in...
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