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Essay Instructions:
the Synthesis Essay will require you to make your the statement about  generative artificial intelligence (AI) and to support the idea that AI is to be used carefully and with caution.  Questions to answer in paragraphs: How can generative AI tools support or hinder the development of critical thinking skills? In what ways might generative AI impact the development of a student’s writing skills? How can students balance the use of AI tools with the development of their own writing and research skills? How might the use of AI in writing shape future educational practices and the expectations of student work? I have attached my outline for some reference the thesis and intro paragraph on the outline contain the 3 points I adopted but feel free to replace them with what is more suitable after reading. I usually don't like to come to this but got my kid to care of and on a time crunch.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Subject and section Professor’s name Date Mapping the Risks and Opportunities of Generative AI in Universities The emerging and rapidly developing generative artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming an essential question of what further role it will play in classrooms. What was once just a vision in movies and books today is an established field of study that educators and students must learn how to address while using, integrating, and sometimes questioning the resource. Even though these tools could provide innovative approaches to mastering a particular topic, the fact that such tools were introduced in practice all the more rapidly renders their further development highly questionable. Preserving learning needs may be made valuable by generative AI. However, it should be done prudently to avoid eradicating analysis, composition skills, and the fluidity between artificial technology and character. The student's unique way of thinking can be harmed by using generative AI techniques as quick information generators instead of valuable critical thinking tools. Joseph Aoun says that since an AI system can produce answers in an instant, the thinking skills of learners lessen as they avoid using their minds to probe knowledge (Aoun). This means that students who employ AI-derived content without paying attention to the source's reliability will likely lose critical opportunities to build a richer and more profound understanding of the studied material. In her TED Talk, Yejin Choi emphasizes that students should be prepared not only to understand what AI can do but also what they should do when presented with something AI generates. To this speaker, in a world where AI is part and parcel, a student must be capable of disputing information from human sources and AI (Choi). Thus, the use of AI in education might mean the following: making students use technologies to enhance rather than reduce their analytical capabilities is essential. Another challenge is that generative AI is increasingly being incorporated by many students, which may harm the formation of writing skills as it reduces the students' activity. As pointed out by Chatfield et al., the desire to use AI options like ChatGPT to write essays or even perform an assignment erodes basic writing skills (Chatfield et al.). The student's ability to wr...
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