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Souls don't exist

Essay Instructions:
Write the exposition first and it should take up 1/2 of the first page. Write a critique at least 1 page full. The critique should be a dialog of you and someone who disagree with you. Write the introduction last. The paper should be three pages. 2 full pages and the one half page. Include the stories "but what are you really" the metaphysics of race, "essay on philosophy and race by Charles W mills and "mills mr Oreo"
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name October 4, 2024 Exposition Paper – Souls Do not Exist * Introduction One of the most debated concepts in hard and soft sciences is the existence of the human Soul. Accordingly, most people would believe in the interconnection of neurons and the happening of chemically-induced electrical impulses. To support this hypothesis, I will assume that souls do not exist. First, I will present an elaboration of the oppositional view of such a claim of the reductionist type, using Thomas Metcalf and Charles Mills' points of view. Second, I will consider the argument that critics who advocate that souls exist are likely to raise and present scientific and philosophical refutations to these arguments. This discussion is crucial because it forces us to rethink most of the metaphysical ideas typically explored in a philosophical study of the self while grounding it in scientific theories. * Exposition For years, countless philosophers have believed that the denial of souls means a denial of an immortal substance that is different from the material aspects of an individual. Of all the various arguments presented by Thomas Metcalf in his essay "Do Souls Exist?", the first is based on the post-modernist posture, which is, in effect, the argument from undue complexity – the principle of parsimony or Occam's Razor, to wit, we ought not to suppose more than one thing where one will suffice. Metcalf also takes the view that for the believer, consciousness, identity, moral responsibility, and free will are explainable through an immaterial and enduring soul, where all these may be accounted for by the workings and structure of the brain and the neural processes (Metcalf 15). In the broader vein, in "The Metaphysics of Race," Charles Mills, pursuing the critique of the metaphysical concepts similar to Sampson, also complains of how philosophical traditions have depended on the immaterial substratum to describe humans. Mills argues vehemently that the metaphysical approaches...
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