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Obedience to Authority Essay Sample

Essay Instructions:


Essay 3 Assignment

This essay is based on the movie The Hunger Games

Format: Two pages, typed, double-spaced, Times 12 Roman font, 1-inch margins all around, stapled in the upper lefthand corner, MLA format. You need a Works Cited, which is not included in the page count.

The essay must have an Introduction, Body paragraphs, and a Conclusion. The thesis must be at the end of the Introduction and restated at the beginning of the Conclusion.

. Use quotes – this is a requirement (you can use paraphrases in addition if you want). Note whether paraphrasing or quoting, you still need an in-text page citation.(use quotes from the movie and an article )

Choose one or more themes that interest you from the list,. For example, you might choose a theme about defiance to authority. Then in one paragraph, you could focus on – through detailed examples and your commentary on these examples – how Katniss defies authority.

Themes of the movie

Blind obedience to authority

The lure/harm/excitement, etc. of reality programming


Conformity vs. non-conformity and not fitting in

The inner savagery/malice of humanity

The inner courage and/or kindness of humanity

The hunter as literary element

Qualities of a literary hero

The powerful treatment of the powerless

The result of hunger on society, individuals and/or morality

Then find or research an article on a similar topic to the one you chose, how historically a people or person stood up to defy authority.Incorporate the article into the essay

Make sure you proofread your work carefully; typos, poor grammar, and spelling errors will adversely affect your grade.

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25TH February 2013 :
Blind obedience to authority
The theme is outlined very clearly in the movie. A lot of people have the tendency of doing whatever anybody who is the authority is dictating without questioning. The instance is brought about the individual assumption that if anyone does otherwise, fatal consequences will follow. Adherence to the law is opted in many situations to avoid being caught in the wrong ends. In case an individual does otherwise, the likely situation that will result is that such a person will be deemed arrogant and therefore the person in authority will thereby make the situation complex for the one who defiled the orders. The question is why do people follow the authority blindly? (Smith 20)
In the movie, the people happened to have defiled the authority and that is the reason they are subjected to such punishment. The people are subjected to hardships where an event is organized particular the games involving twelve to eighteen years, a boy and a girl from different districts where the pair represents each of the twelve districts which had earlier Capitol rule. They are involved in a fight to death where the choosing criterion is based on lottery. They fight in the televised gladiator where Seneca Crane is the Games-maker. The instance is a representative of how those who had defied the capital rule are in problematic situation and they cannot question what is happening. The attempted uprising is what has led to the mass suffering of the twelve districts and the current authority gives no damn to their suffering. The government has...
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