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Essay Assignment #1: Feeding the Whole World by Louise Fresco

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Journal Entry 2 and Essay 2 are relate together, please read the guideline, i will submit it for you. Thanks I am going to choose this video, \"Louise Fresco on Feeding the Whole World\", http://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/louise_fresco_on_feeding_the_whole_world.html
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Feeding the Whole World by Louise Fresco
Thesis Statement: Sustainable Agricultural Practices are the solutions to feeding the whole world
Sustainable agricultural practices are the solution to the feeding the whole world. Louise Fresco on “Feeding the Whole World” is concerned on ways of feeding the world (Fresco O. Louise O. Fresco par. 2). In her analysis, Fresco indicated that the world must come up with smart approaches in industrial farming, large scale farming and diverse systems of food production which will have the capacity of feeding nine billion people. Fresco’s arguments indicated that scorned supermarket white bread will support the human life in a global scale among other scorned products. Findings indicate that Fresco is after celebrating mass production of white bread baked in supermarket-style. Bread if produced in a manner that conforms to the environmental rules and regulations have the highest capacity of feeding the world as compared to other products (Fresco Online posting par. 1).
In her analysis Fresco is more concerned with bread as a common type of food. Fresco indicated that the future generations will have to do away with the traditional methods of baking bread and at the same time not acknowledge the roles played by the small bakeries (Fresco O. Louise O. Fresco par. 2). Fresco is a globetrotting advisor and a powerful thinker on sustainability, signaling the power behind her arguments on supermarket style bread. Additionally, Fresco argued that time has come for people to change their mentality, food is important and a lot of concerns should be driven at the economic and social importance of food, the sustainability of the world will be shaped by responsible food consumption and responsible agricultural practices. Fresco has vast expertise on agriculture and food (Arndt par. 3).
The world is changing with socialization and globalization, human population is ever increasing in millions and in the same tone, the natural resources are getting depleted. Crisis is in the making with the current issues of climate, food and water (Fresco O. Louise O. Fresco par. 6). Fresco’s speech emphasizes that bread will sustain the future human populations only if people practice responsible agriculture and responsible consumption of the available food (Shepard 201). There is an importance of cultivating crops on a large scale and also tend to livestock in ranches, which is part of large scale farming. The current rural and city communities are tied together through the food production, in the sense that even if there are significant priorities and populations, then food supply will continue to connect people (Fresco Online posting par. 7). Fresco indicated that social unrest is accelerated by poverty, hunger and environmental challenges among other aspects involved in the modern world can be devastating.
Fresco argued that by 2030, the food production should double to support the human life on earth; this will be made possible through availing more meat, mechanization, agricultural science, biotechnology, pest and disease management, application of robots, use of irrigation, large scale livestock farming and horticulture (Fresco O. Louise O. Fresco par. 3). Food influences each and every human being, creating a necessity for integrated food policy. Land is multifunctional, meaning that it can serve different purposes and the same time produce cheap, safe, affordable and diverse food. Food i...
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