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Team Members' Responses, Effective Practices, Management Skills, Challenges, and Diversity

Essay Instructions:

Write and submit a 3-5 page assignment that analyzes your own team leadership effectiveness and answers the questions below.
1. How did your team members respond to your team leadership? In order to answer this question, you will need to ask for and gather specific feedback from your team members as discussed above. Also, to answer this question effectively make sure to integrate specific feedback from the ITP Peer Feedback results.
2. What specific practices and behaviors did you follow each time you led the team? Did you change practices or behaviors between the first and second time you led? Why or why not?
If you changed practices and behaviors, how did this reflect your own thoughts and/or the feedback provided by your team members?
3. What particular management skills and/or theories from our class (must identify and define at least two) did you find most useful/valuable to you as a team leader? Why?
4. Describe two challenges that you faced as team leader. How did you handle these challenges? Simply stating you did not experience any challenges is not sufficient!
5. Explain how you utilize and leverage the diversity of your team in terms of process (how you operated as a team) and outcome (what your team accomplished)?
6. Identify one important lesson or key takeaway which you have learned about leadership from your experience and explain how you will apply it to other teams in the future (such as for other classes, sports or student organizations, and professional internships).

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T5 Team Leader Analysis
Leadership analysis is a key aspect that every individual must consider due to its importance in allowing the leaders to understand the areas of weaknesses and strengths. Besides, it allows one to improve their weaknesses and maintain their strengths. The processes of improving leadership skills are observing, providing opportunities, and using predictive assessment tools (Macdonald 4). However, instead of following the identified long process, it would be necessary to focus on feedback from the team members. Direct engagement of the team members is significant since it will provide the actual data and results of leadership skills. The paper analyzes key leadership skills by focusing on team members' responses, effective practices and behaviors, management skills, challenges, and diversity.
Team Members Response
The team members' response was positive and showed the application of effective leadership skills. The team members' response was significant since it involved five individuals who anonymously provided significant feedback. The response was positive since they provided a positive rating on different leadership competencies, including communication, commitment, focus, capabilities, and standards. All the identified elements scored 3.8 and above out of 5. Therefore, it means that the team members embraced all the leadership skills. It also shows that all the team members were satisfied with the leadership style and unanimously supported it. Besides, it shows that the team members did not experience any issues with the leadership style, such as delays and non-commitment.
Practices and Behaviors
The key specific practices and behaviors necessary while leading every time include effective communication, setting a clear vision, enhancing collaboration, and setting stretch goals. They identified behaviors and practices are significant since they lead to a positive outcome. Besides, they minimize the common leadership challenges that may make the team members unsatisfied. There was no significant change in the leadership practices and behaviors since they were effective and embraced by the team members. Besides, there was no need to change the leadership and behaviors since the leadership practices and behaviors were standardized.
Management Skills
The key management skills considered were time management skills and decision. Time management skills are always a significant requirement of every leader. It...
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