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Things to Learn from “Owen’s Rhetorical Prowess”

Essay Instructions:

Inquiry & Research • Locate and evaluate a variety of primary and secondary research materials • Summarize, paraphrase, analyze, and synthesize information from a variety of sources in their writing • Incorporate work created by others in a variety of media (e.g., text, images, sound, video) ethically and effectively for rhetorical purposes • Apply citation conventions appropriate for genre, purpose, and audience • Formulate viable research questions, hypotheses, and conclusions 
• Writing Processes & Craft • Develop a writing project through multiple drafts • Develop flexible strategies for reading, drafting, reviewing, collaborating, revising, rewriting, rereading, and editing • Evaluate the work of others, give useful feedback to others on their writing, and evaluate and incorporate feedback from others in their own writing • Assess accurately the strengths and weaknesses of their own writing, and develop individual plans for revision and improvement • Enact revision as substantive change 

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Project 5: Final Self-Assessment Essay
Students should strive to achieve various writing objectives to produce the finest papers possible for a class. My ability to incorporate rhetorical elements through text analysis, information analysis from several sources, producing and rewriting my work, and receiving and giving criticism from others has significantly improved during this term. By analyzing “Owen’s Rhetorical Prowess: A Response to Obama’s Very Boomer View” I learned how to employ crucial rhetorical ideas such as kairos to find rhetorical topics for my rhetorical analysis thesis. While I was able to produce numerous drafts and alter my work to meet the class's objectives and provide comments to others, I was also able to evaluate and get feedback on my writing. Because of these goals, I've been able to identify areas in which I can make significant progress in my writing.
For my rhetorical analysis essay on “Owen’s Rhetorical Prowess," I learned about kairos and incorporated them into my writing, reaching my goal. It is said that "Kairos" means "the proper position at the proper moment." In my rhetorical analysis essay, I demonstrated my understanding of kairos by using it as one of my lofty concepts. In Owen's text, he deploys Kairos to convey his message and ensure that his text relates to the contemporary issues in the world (Owen). He ensures his arguments are timeless to appeal to the takes advantage of the current issues to appeal to the readers. Consequently, his in a position to navigate his argument, old and influential people suffer more from online criticism than injustices.
As an advantage, I developed my critical thinking skills by reading and analyzing various texts, including “Owen’s Rhetorical Prowess.” For my rhetorical analysis essay, I used kairos and the concept of a close rhetorical distance that I discovered while reading this article. Owen's text demonstrates excellent use of this rhetorical concept. Close rhetorical distance is evident when Owen shares his opinion and perception of contemporary issues with the readers (Owen). This approach not only provides an opportunity for navigating his argument but also brings the readers closer. During my study of his works, the rhetorical concepts I discovered include the invented and situated ethos.
Invented ethos entails the character of the speaker as manifested during the speech while situated ethos depends on the rhetor’s public image. Owen conveys his message through an invented ethos, which helps the audience understand who he is, his relationship to the issues he addressed in his text, and how he copes with being different. He creates an invented ethos that aids him as a writer by citing numerous examples throughout his writing. He uncovers myriad of events that have been happening in contemporary society as a way of articulating his argument, including the case of muting R&B artist R.kelly due to sexual abuse (Owen). On the other hand, situated ethos entails the reputation and public image of the speaker or the writer (Burke 30). Owen’s background and role as a journalist largely contribute to his reputation and how his audience perceives him. The audience understands that as a journalist,...
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