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3 pages/≈825 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Developing Character through Literature

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Purpose

Once this assignment is completed, you should have a sense of how to fine-tune a paper, starting with the broadest concerns and finishing up with sentence-level details.

Extra Credit Opportunity

If you earn an OTC (on time complete) for this assignment, that grade will also replace the original earned grade for whichever essay you choose to revise. This will raise your overall course grade by at least 5 percentage points.

You are welcome to email me as many in-progress drafts as you’d like for feedback at any time during this process. If you choose to continue this one-on-one revision process with me to the point that I tell you you’re ready to submit, you will earn back 5 lost percentage points. This is an all-or-nothing opportunity—the only way to earn any extra credit points for one-on-one editing is to continue the process until I give you the green light to submit.

Assignment Requirements

In order to receive full credit for this assignment, you must:

  • Submit a complete revised essay by 5pm R April 28

  • Meet the minimum word count requirement listed on the assignment sheet of the essay you choose to revise

  • Thoroughly line edit your assignment before you submit (no typos, misspellings, etc.) 

Labor Instructions

In order for your revision to be considered complete, you must be able to check off every item on this checklist.


  • Did you avoid unintentional plagiarism (including self-plagiarism)?

  • Did you properly address all comments left on your original essay submission?

  • Is your similarity report 10% or less?

  • Have you properly introduced each source in-sentence the first time you used it?

  • Have you only directly quoted when close reading the language of the quotation and/or when the original phrasing was necessary for your reader’s understanding of the concept being communicated in the quotation?


  • Is your document in “no spacing” style (rather than the default “normal” style)?

  • Is your document double-spaced (2.0) throughout, with no extra space between paragraphs, citations, etc.?

  • Are your margins 1” all the way around on every page?

  • Is your font consistent throughout (font style, 12 pt., all black text)?

  • Is your font style listed on the assignment sheet for the essay you chose to revise?

  • Is your title centered, not bold, not italicized, not underlined at the top of pg. 1?

  • Are your paragraphs left-aligned (rather than justified)?

  • Are your paragraph indentations consistent (either always indent or never indent)?

  • Have you properly cited sources in-text, even when paraphrasing?

  • Have you included a Works Cited section at the end of the paper with properly-formatted complete citations for each source used? 

Introduction Section

  • Does your introduction paragraph properly follow the instructions found on the assignment sheet for the essay you chose to revise?

Body Sections

  • Do each of your body paragraphs properly follow the instructions found on the assignment sheet for the essay you chose to revise?

 Conclusion section

  • Does your conclusion paragraph follow the instructions found on the assignment sheet for the essay you chose to revise?

Words Characters Reading time 
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student's Name
Professor's Name
Course Number
Significant Revision
Charles Yu's short story First Person, his second collection of tales, is full of brilliant pieces. These books are particularly brilliant because they use science to explain how we comprehend human situations in terms of the language and ideas we use to describe them. The fact that Yu's initial literary focus was poetry should be noted. When it comes to these stories, Yu's focus is on how words and their underlying notions fit together in terms of cultural aesthetics rather than whether this fit makes sense. The metaphors in these tales give them shape and movement. However, if not correctly balanced with understanding, this cleverness-by-means-of-metaphor may lead to a route to perfection that can rapidly become boring. As relics of linguistics, literature has succumbed to this tendency at times, with movements like modernism attempting to portray the self in words perfectly. On the other hand, a self-reflective narrative uses science as a metaphor for the self but is aware that the self creates scientific notions themselves.
First Person Shooter is a narrative that provides us with that final kind of character. Despite its lack of specificity, the narrative has a lot going on. When Yu does go into the nitty-gritty, it is usually accompanied by a certain amount of ambiguity. First Person Shooter narrator works for Walmart, a firm that sells lifestyles, whereas American Entertainment, Inc. is the company selling the lives. Since most of Yu's characters suffer from existential agony, this story stands apart, but it also shows the collection's virtues and weaknesses. This one is up there with the best of them when it comes to zombie farce. Yu's zombie serves this purpose well as a pitiful representation of societal norms and expectations. She is seen rummaging around the cosmetics section of a Walmart-like store because it believes that lipstick would play a role in achieving its goals. As this reflection shows, those human clerks are also caught up in their wants. Yu's short tale demonstrates how the expectations of others may impact an individual's actions.
Our culture's portrayal of mindless people carrying out their basic needs as violent cannibalism while excluding other base desires that may not be as different as we would like to assume prompts us to reflect on why this is the case. Although Yu argues that feeling is a trap that only losers like the narrator fall into, the story's ending seems to transcend beyond sentiment. With the additional level of deniability that the narrator is frequently na...
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