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Maborosi – A Symptomatic Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Symptomatic analysis of a Japanese movie: Something about the Japanese society between 80s and 90s (-ish). You don't have to cover the entire 20 decades; just something that fall in those periods would be good. Do not try to explain two/three or more symptomatic meanings.

Write about a symptomatic meaning of a Japanese movie created in 80s-90s. You can use movies we watched or a movie that you saw. Anime, whatever. Given the brevity of the paper, try to pick one topic and go deep. Explain what is symptomatic about the movie so that the readers can learn something new about Japan.

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February 17, 2019
Maborosi – A Symptomatic Analysis
Movies have always played an essential part in the lives of humans. It does not only provide entertainment but also stimulate imagination and instill values to its viewers, among others. However, while movies these days range from all sorts of plot and genre, there are movies which appeal better to the current issues of society. Those that reflect reality, and thus become a reflection of the things that are currently happening in the world around us. This element is better known as the film’s ‘symptomatic meaning,’ which is the idea of the movie based on the dominant ideology that when it was created (Muehlenhaus). To illustrate what this means, this paper would try to look at a Japanese movie produced during the 80s and 90s, particularly at how the film appeals to the external context during those times.
Suicide Rates and Symptomatic Meanings
One of the unforgettable Japanese movies that I have watched was a 90s film entitled Maborosi. The main story revolves around the story of a wife (Yumiko) and her struggle to survive and raise her infant child after his husband (Ikuo) committed suicide. The beginning of the movie would show a couple walking alongside a railroad while also idly chatting by. That particular scene shows a typical happy and normal family. One that seems to be healthy enough in terms of life and career. However, what is surprising was that as the train comes closer, the husband has deliberately jumped in front of it killing himself. In turn, most of the movie would revolve around Yumiko’s hardships in raising their children after what her husband did. While this plot seems to be very interesting in terms of its twist, what is most notable about it is the fact that it reflects the pe...
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