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South China and Environmental Protection

Essay Instructions:

Length: At least three double-spaced typed pages. 1 inch margins. 12 point font. Watch these two videos about the development in China within the past several decades:

Please choose one of the following situations, and write a paper about your plans.
1. Imagine you were a leader of a small town near Shanghai. What kind of social problems might be existing in this town? What would you do to solve these problems?
2. If you were a leader in a big city in South China what would you do to protect the environment?
3. If you were a leader in a province in Southwest China, what kind of policy would you make to increase the economic growth?

In your paper, please explain what you will do, step by step, in details. Provide specific examples. You also need to discuss what are the possible results of your plan, and analyze what are the potential reasons that might influence the way you implement your plans. As you work on this project, think about integrated what you have learned from the readings in this class, for example, the information about languages, geography, life style, social cultural values, issues in the society, or any other things we have discussed. Also, please analyze what you found about social cultural facts/information critically to answer the above questions. You are highly recommended to make connections to your own life, majors, and other classes.

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Topic # 2 – South China and Environmental Protection
China has exceptionally increased its economic growth by now and become a bright example of progress in the least course of time. Superpower of the world and other European countries are appreciating its huge success in true words. However, this success is not without the costs of several problems, prevailing within China. Environmental issues are the major ones especially in South China and include increased water and air pollution, deforestation and loss of natural resources. Experts discuss that if China continues to allow environmental issues to be increased with the same intensity, its economic growth is definitely going to be affected severely. The health of the citizen is correspondingly at immense risk. This writing composition will deal with all the environmental issues and what are the best probable ways to protect the environment of South China to a large extent.
Environmental Issues in South China
Water resources are getting worse in South China as much of the freshwater has been polluted. Metals which are released from industry, have polluted the water with unbearable levels. Organic levels and sediments are ruining the rivers to an alarming extent. Furthermore, the nitrate and phosphorous quantities in rivers due to the unnatural fertilizers and improper sewage system, are uninterruptedly making the water awfully useless and even dangerous. When these rivers discharge this increased nutrient water in the China Sea, the red tides come to happen. These tides kill the fishes or make them inconsumable for humans. This factor is certainly affecting the aquaculture industry of China. Polluted water immensely creates unacceptable health issues which cannot be ignored. Other than that, the geographical distribution of water within China plus the seasonal changing in the availability of water, is causing tremendous deficiency of water in many eras of China.
Quality of air is the most threatening environmental issue that is endlessly existing within China. Public health is in great danger due to the polluted air. Sulphur dioxide and other gasses are existing in the air which causes the 36 percent of deaths in the country. World Health Organization has titled the air of China with the least dimensions as compared to the standard. This polluted air is the big reason for respiratory disease which contributes greatly to death reasons in China.
South China is losing its forest cover to a significant scale. World Resources Institute reports that China has lost its area of forest and woodland up to 6.5% in recent years of 2015 to 2018. Consequently, in the present year China is somehow possessing the 11% of the area regarding forest cover and woodland (Nguyen 97). This statics is the lowest one as compared to the other countries in Asia. This factor is changing the climate to a hot one in China to the most prominent level which can be an immensely troublesome aspect in the recent future.
Ways to Protect the Environment
To protect the environment, industrial wastes and sewages should be treated while getting discharged in the water sources. Fast industrialization has come about to those wastes that are unsafe to the biological system. The arrival of these effluents directly into the water bodies has prompted tremendous water pollution. Accordingly, mechanical waste ought to be treated to stop the thermal and chemical pollution of water. It is nece...
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