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Lessons from World War 2

Essay Instructions:

We have been through several revolutions and wars during this course--WW II the last (hopefully) global war.I would like everyone to discuss/debate the following points. There are many possible answers and, as we are part of history in the making (and therefore part of the history of the future based on our opinions and decisions today), I am interested in how you see our world moving forward. Analyse and cite examples as well

How successful do you think the ending of World War 2 was?
What was done "right" to effect a more lasting peace (as opposed to WW I's conclusion)?
What could have been done better (that is, what do you think should have been dealt with--or dealt with differently to prevent some of the current global issues we face)?

Finally, as we look to the future, given the more recent crises we face globally, what do you think is the greatest threat that should be given the most attention in order to prevent another global war?

Required Material(s) (1) to source from

Western Civilization: Brief History (V2)

Author: Perry

Edition: 11th

ISBN: 9781305091474

Copyright Year: 2015

Publisher: Cengage Learning

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Lessons from World War II
The Second World War began on 1St September and it had many effects on the lives of people. World War II ended in 8th May 1945 after the unconditional surrender of the axis powers involved in the war. Germany surrendered after Adolf Hitler killed himself and their surrender was accepted by the allies. In order to successfully end the wear and prevent another war from taking place, Postdam Agreement was signed on 12th August 1945. They agreed that post war Germany would be divided into different zones which would be controlled by Britain, Soviet Union, the United States and France. As compared to WWI, the ending of WWII appeared to have met the interests of the Germans CITATION Per15 \l 1033 (Perry, 2015). They were not exposed to any form of suffering just like in the case of WWI, where they were blamed for starting the war and asked to pay high fines. The ending of WWII was successful since...
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