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Analysis of Class Reading on the Impact of Language on Class, Culture, and Race

Essay Instructions:


My course description for this class asked: “Are you being judged by the way you speak? How does language function as a marker of class, culture, and race?” For this final paper, the broad topic is an exploration of your views on how language divides, silences, and/or dominates others. You will need to narrow this topic to your specific area of interest and the specific idea you want to communicate.


Provide context and establish credibility by establishing where your point of view comes from. In other words, who are you in relation to the topic you are writing about?

Examples of providing context and establishing point of view can be found in many of the essays read in class, like Amy Tan’s, Gloria Anzaldua’s, Richard Rodriguez’s, and bell hooks’ essays.

I asked you to do this with Essay #2.

Add complexity and depth to your writing by presenting and addressing the other side of your claim/argument. What do others say?

Examples of including “the other side” can be found in most of the articles and essays you have read for this class.

Use multiple sources to support and illustrate your specific argument about how language divides, silences, and/or dominates others.

Use a minimum of three sources from our class readings.

This is NOT a research paper so no outside sources unless you discuss with me first.

Use multiple ways of thinking/writing strategies (to develop your ideas and main points. Draw upon or use as models the writing strategies from our course readings.

Please note: For this essay, you are required to use ASSOCIATION & APPLICATION to current issues or events. Here is where you can refer to “outside sources,” such as newspaper or magazine articles or video/newscasts about current events.

Requirements & Guidelines

Essays should be no less than five full pages and up to eight pages in length.

Cite your sources according to correct MLA format

Citing sources means both in-text parenthetical citations for quotations and paraphrases AND a Works Cited page (please note: the Works Cited page does not count for your page minimum or maximum)

Format your manuscript according to MLA guidelines

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Analysis of Class Reading on the Impact of Language on Class, Culture, and Race
The relationship between race, language, and racism plays a significant role in the reflection and definition of how human society is structured. Language is considered as one of the most important cultural means which is used to shape personal identity (Shashkevich, 2016). Different scenarios as discussed throughout the class learning have indicated that people are mainly judged with the way they speak with language function is a major marker of the culture and race if an individual. People have found themselves in various situations whereby they are limited by their language thus failing to express their feelings or desires. The discussion on the impact of language and the way people speak on the cultural and societal recognition has greater impacts on individuals as discussed herein.
Many people have been caught in a situation they are forced to remain silent when they are required to express themselves or communicate in a foreign or unfamiliar language. For example, America is a multicultural country with people from different regions across the world. Most of these people are not familiar with the native English since they are used to their native language at their home places. Learning a foreign language is among the most difficult task among many people. Parents will always force their children a language that will allow them to be accepted by the natives especially in foreign countries. Pronunciation, accent, intonation, and understanding of language content are among the most challenging part of communication.
The analysis of different class reading depicts the impact of language on race and cultural recognition in society. For instance, people undergo through shame and difficult moments in explaining themselves when they cannot communicate properly and effectively in the required language. Gloria Anzaldua is among the individual who has fallen victim of discrimination, shame, and harassment as a result of language difference and accent as explained in his statement in “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” (Anzaldúa, 1987). In the workplace, Anzaldua experiences discrimination and threat when she was caught speaking Spanish. This means that communication different plays a significant role in defining individuals which may lead to greater social impacts.
When you cannot communicate properly, people will always look down upon you. The language barrier and ineffective communication are the major causes of discrimination, especially in the United States. Maxine Huong Kingston has to speak English for the first time on joining kindergarten after they migrated to the United States as he explains in the “Tongue Tied” text. “Dumbness a shame, still cracks my voice into two, even when I want to say “hello” casually, or ask an easy question in front of the check-out counter, or ask a direction of a bus driver” (Rodriguez, 2003). Anytime you feel you are speaking inappropriately among people who clearly understand the language; you feel ashamed of yourself.
People should not allow themselves to be intimidated due to their language differences or barriers especially when in a foreign country. Through his experience, Huong Kingston understood the definition of the Negro students by the way they laughed (They laughed loudest and talked to me as if I were a daring talker too” (Kingston, 2003). The dentist intimidated Gloria Anzaldua claiming that her tongue needs to be controlled considering how she pronounced words during communication. In this case, the language difference among these individuals greatly affected their relationship with others in their different environments.
In the “Keeping close to home and school” text, Hooks Bell explains how the college impacted his attitude toward his race and culture due to differences in social classes and communication abilities among the fellow students. When Bell interacted with students from different social classes in school, the influence caused him to hide and change his cultural identity thus changing the values upon which he was raised. Hooks demonstrates his...
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