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Insects’ motif in Brave New World Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

1. Please carefully read through all images that I attached. All requirements are in those sheets

2. Only one paragraph is needed

3. The format of this essay must follow the sample paragraph(in the picture that I attached and it must be exactly the same format)

4. Topic sentence is the first sentence of the whole essay. It has to make an argument/claim which include the title, the author of the book, and the motif you are going to write.

5. There’s five motifs in this book that you may write. Choose one of them(you can find them in the picture too)

6. No taboo words please, this is very important(taboo words: am is are was were be been being)

7. Two full quotes are needed, but our teacher only allow us to use quotes before chapter 13

8. You may use this link to find the quotes:


9. This is the last essay of the year which is very important for me. Please let me know if you have any question. Thank you!!

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Insects’ motif in Brave New World
May 1, 2019
Insect motif in Brave New World
In the novel Brave new world, Huxley uses the motive of insects, such as buzz, hive, maggots and swarm to highlight co-relation to the loss of individuality in the society. For instance, henry and Lenina fly on their date where Huxley refers to sound of helicopter as insects’ sounds. When Henry and Lenina see the Red rocket “….it suddenly dropped as a small scarlet insect, buzzing as it fell” (66). These situations helped the writer to stress the idea of termite-ideal by use of insects in reference to helicopter. In addition, Huxley uses view of ants and aphides from Lenina and Henry to shift the imagery from a communal tool into individuals playing part in it. Insect motif happens again when John decides to visit Linda’s deathbed...
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