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Souations on death in sewing garments factories in the United States

Essay Instructions:
The Sewing Manufacturing Process The instructions entitled Research paper is a continuation of the last paper you wrote for me on the deaths in sewing garments. This will be what are solutions to the problems in the United States. The thesis will be more indebt I think. Teacher said some of the annotated bibliography from last paper can be used therefore you will not have to do another new 8 pages I think. You will know better than I. I will need to show a outline, work cited and title page.
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Garment industry which is the largest employer industry in Bangladesh has become the leading cause of loss of lives. The Sewing garment factories have continually brought calamities in the lives of many workers in the United States. Many have lost their lives through fires that have claimed the lives of numerous factories workers. Most of the biggest sewing factories in Bangladesh experienced the same calamity for several times, where hundreds of people died every time this incident occurred. Walmart Supplier was the main garment industry in Bangladesh, and the main suppliers of the United States and Europe (Riedel & Bruce, 17).
Therefore, thousands of workers in the garment factories have lost their live following various calamities across the world. Further, many other families have suffered the loss of their beloved ones because of the fire outbreaks in the garment industry (that employs thousands of individuals). The fire outbreaks are caused by a number of factors such as short circuiting the factory wiring system, poor working conditions and old damaged factory buildings and equipments. The recent biggest fatal accident in the industry was the Bangladesh fire outbreak that claimed over one hundred lives. Fires have become the major cause of deaths in the industry among others such as workload and poor health conditions of the workers, poor working conditions and environments. However, fire is the common cause of deaths in the garment factories across the globe. There are various causes of the fire out breaks in the factories.
As the death toll accelerated due to the same issue, there were concerns especially from the United States, about how to stop such occurrences in future. However, these deaths can be prevented. It is possible to save many lives as the lives that were lost in Bangladesh. Therefore, it is necessary for the factory owners to collaborate or rather corporate with the labor rights groups in order to prevent further damage of property and loss of productive lives. One of the major steps is to ensure good working conditions for the workers. This is attained through renovating the factory buildings and installations such as electric gargets and wiring. This would reduce the chances of fire outbreaks in the factories. Installation of fire distinguishing equipments and worker training on how to use the equipments is another vital move to prevent future deaths in garment industry. This will enable the workers to distinguish the fire at an early stage upon breaking out. Regular examination of the factory equipments would also help in fighting the deaths in garment industry. This is to ensure that all equipments are in good working conditions and the ones in a suggestive state should be repaired or replaced.
Therefore, there are measures that the United States undertook in order to provide a long-term solution for her garment factories and others, to avoid the loss of life and causing injuries to the factory workers, lest it drags the world’s economy behind.
Access to loans
United States has helped garment factories through the labor union organizations, in securing loans that would help them improve the working environments by renovating their buildings. The loans are also helpful in paying the workers in occasions where their workshops are closed for repairs. The most important measure is to engage in a safety program for all factories and the United States owners of these factories are advised to do the same (Siddiqui, 10). There were proposal for the garment factories that the labor unions made, which offered an independent inspector that would make sure that there are periodic and detailed inspections. This was focused on the international fire safety standards that were recognized internationally. In addition, they focused on organizations or factories that made higher quantities of clothes, which were bought by the corporations that sign the agreement (Mayer & Florian, 20).
Workers motivation
The clothing brands and factories were asked to put their workers into consideration, since they were initially not willing to be committed in changes that would enhance the safety of the employees. They continually paid them little amount of money yet they were subjected to high risks of death. The international labor organizations and other organizations urged the owners to eradicate the inspection regimes and voluntary auditing, which are not bringing any positive results and are not challenging enough. These organizations also ensure that the employees’ cries and grievances have been heard. The United States created an arena where the rights of employees of these garment factories would be met by ensuring that all the necessary measures are followed. Failure to the implementation of taking safety measures for employees by their factory, may lead to its closure (Lee's Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 22). The factories would have the improvements costs through the hiked prices for clothes as well as improve the workers’ wages.
Fire outbreak mitigation measures
The Labor Rights Group made a call on all the United States brands to join the program of fire safety in order to avoid the deadly fire incidents any time in future. This group made the pledge in conjunction with their partners in Bangladesh, seeking to make a transparent and independent investigation that causes the firebreak outs. They stated that the workers who are injured during such incidents should fairly and fully receive compensation and the families of the deceased should be compensated. The group said that thorough investigations are necessary upon any factory that has ever been affected by fire, putting in that effective measures should be taken to avoid future tragedies (Weigert & Kathleen & Kelley, 13). The investigations always help to find the potential or actual evidence of the cause of the past tragedy. After which, the factory would be advised on what to do in similar incidents or on what to do to avoid similar cases and others.
The government through the group of Labor Rights has concluded that most of the factories in Bangladesh that have an experience of firebreak out, happened due to the popular electric short circuit. This indicated that electric fault was the main cause of fires that broke out in many factories of garments, even in the other parts of the State and the world. Faulty wiring has become a common source of fires in numerous factories of sewing garments. When such incidents occur in a certain factory, some workers die because the factory lacks emergency exits, which hinders them from escaping the site of fire, leading to their death. Other workers die after trying to escape the flames as they jump from very high heights. Therefore, a policy was been formed in the United States that all the factories should contain the emergency in exits. This would help all the workers to escape safely without trampling on one another through one door, or even being trapped inside the factories.
Other measures include making sure that incase the fires occurs; there is adequate fire extinguishers in which some workers should know how to operate. ...
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