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Public Presentation Analysis

Essay Instructions:
Im writing this essay for an English m01c class and we are ask to find a Presentation and discuss how it is effective or not effective (Please include this in the thesis statement). Example: The documentary Super Size me by Morgan Spurlock. How was this documentary effective to the audience? What kinds of technique did he use? How was it presented? I've attached the assignment description for this paper (Please ignore the peer review part). I don't have a topic yet I hope you can provide one for me. Please Include a work cited page thank you.
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Supersize Me (An Analysis)
Few presentations, be they in their oral or visual form, combine various attributes that communicate the intended message in the most effective manner. In this case, presenters may engage various auditory and visual elements, apply rhetorical strategies and logical fallacies and fail to communicate the message to the audience effectively. However, this is not the case for Morgan Spurlocks’ documentary Super Size Me. In this regard, the documentary is a superb illustration of a rhetoric piece whose intention is to provoke discourse about consumption of fast foods. In order to achieve his purpose, Spurlock sets on a journey with an aim of gathering evidence about foods with the evidence leading to an interesting discourse about the link between the growing incidents of obesity in the US and the consumption of fast foods. Using spontaneous methods and shocking tactics in order to grab the attention of the audience, Spurlock used himself as a guinea pig in order to inform the entire public about the harmful effects of consuming foods from fast food chains in large quantities.
One of the main elements in the documentary is the use of obese and overweight people. In this case, Spurlock shows pictures of overweight people sitting and walking in different places with some forming part of the group that he interviewed on the streets. In doing this, Spurlock helps achieve the objective of sparking a dialogue in people by highlighting the challenge that American citizens faced in real life, which is more effective than only providing a narration about the issue that people face. From the documentary, a viewer will be at pains with the conditions that obese and overweight people faced with the images further reinforcing to the viewers of the importance of avoiding fast foods lest they became obese and overweight as the people in the documentary looked.
Other than real life images of obese and overweight people, Spurlock uses visual effects combined with effective rhetoric devices in order to persuade the viewer with his information about the importance of avoiding fast foods. Each time that Spurlock wants to provide facts and statistics in his documentary, he uses a combination of various visual images such as pictures, animations, maps, and graphs to a great effect. Mitchell highlighted the importance of visual effects in movies and films in reinforcing the message to the audience. On the other hand, Spurlock used rhetoric devices such as similes. In one instance, Spurlock posed to give a comparison of the amount of tablespoons of sugar an individual took from a gallon of Coke. In this case, the use of rhetoric devices is crucial in providing an emphasis for the characteristics of the things that Spurlock was descri...
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