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Your best birthday to your worst birthday

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Comparison and Contrast Essay 2-3 pages 12 font, double spaced Topic - Your best birthday to your worst birthday
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My best and worst birthdays
A birthday is one day that comes only once in a year. For this reason, every child and grownup person will await that day with eager expectation with the hope that the day will find them healthy, present them with the best people, expose them to the best experiences, and leave them happy – and one year older. During my life, I have had a good share of good and bad days during my birthdays, but two of all of them stand out as the best and the worst birthdays of my life. The good or the bad nature of a birthday, in my opinion, is determined by the events that unfolded on the day of the birthday, and not the events before or after the day.
Among my good birthdays, the best was my 15th birthday. Among my bad birthdays, my 16th birthday was the worst, and I will never forget the experiences of these two memorable days despite one giving me good memories the other one provides the bad memories. During my best birthday – 15th birthday – I hosted my friends the night before; my father had allowed me to host a party, and to indulge by any means, as long as I did not exceed the set limits. My daddy had also allowed me to do all the things that I had wished I did before, including drinking, playing at the flowered backyard and inviting all the friends I could invite. Different from my best birthday, a day before my worst birthday, I went to my friend’s house, and while at their place, I felt a sharp pain on the sides of my stomach. I did not know that it would be anything serious, so I disregarded it, and I went on with the fun games we were playing. In the evening, I left for home. After everyone had gone to sleep, I felt the sharp pain again, but this time it was so intense that I called my mother and father. They took me to the hospital, and were told that I was suffering from a kidney infection. I was given medicine and an injection, and I was allowed to go home. The only similarity between the two birthdays is that they were my days of birth and that they left me a year older.
During my best birthday, I woke up early so that I could do the last preparations as I awaited my friends. The preparations included dressing, setting up the party balloons, ensuring that all drinks and food supplies were available, and lastly, to ensure that all my friends would take their favorite meals....
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