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Week 8 Essay: Social Responsibility of the Animal Farm

Essay Instructions:

Instructions: Develop an essay of 1,000-1,500 words. Be sure to argue a particular point of view in your essay (your thesis) and cite varied examples from the readings in MLA format in order to support your perspective. Include a works cited page. Additional MLA information can be found here. Please submit your essay to the assignment section of the course. This assignment is worth 20% of your final grade. 
Up to this point we have discussed two literary movements, the Romantic period and the Victorian era. You will select one era and in partial fulfillment of Course Objective 4, (CO-4: Discuss major literary movements in English literature from the 18th century to the present.) You will discuss a literary movement in connection with one of our assigned readings.
Select one of the following topics as the focus for your essay: 
1. Discuss one work or one author from this course that you believe had the most significant influence on British literary history. Please be sure to maintain third person perspective. 
2. In this course we have discussed British literary history and the progression of trends in British literature. Give a brief description of one of the trends we have discussed in the class, with a brief explanation of the characteristics of the trend. You may want to touch on the social, political, historical or cultural issues that influenced this trend. Then provide at least one example of a piece of British literature we have read in this course from this period with a well-developed analysis identifying why the selected piece is a good representation of the trend. Note: "Modernism" is an example of what is meant by a "literary trend" in this question. 
3. Choose a work of British literature we read in the course. Write a response in which you present arguments for and against the work's relevance for a person or society in 2015.

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Social responsibility of the animal farm
There has been an increased influence from different literary history from works of various authors. For instance, the work of George Orwell, the animal farm has contributed significantly to the development of ancient literary works in Britain. The author, George Orwell, was an English essayist and a novelist who developed a firm background in the works of literature. George Orwell was also known to be a critic to the works of literature that were drawn up by other writers thus developing a more firm foundation of British literary works that were to be drawn up by other authors.
Many authors developed their books during the romanticism era. This is the period that there was an increased in the artistic development of critical aspects of literature such as the musical and the intellectual movements that have their origin in the European countries (Orwell, 118). The era was developed during the end of the 18th century and developed its peak in most parts of Europe in the late 19th century. It is during this periods that there were developments made in the political structures experienced in the social setups that developed the English language (Ginn, 180). The books written during this period emphasized mainly on the emotions of a particular group of people. The authors were also against the high forces of individualism.
The author was also a journalist that was keen in his literal works of writing. In the book the animal farm, the author developed intelligence in the works he has written because he had a broad awareness of social injustice that was dominant in the ancient British times. The knowledge exposed to also made him have a stand on totalitarianism and strongly opposed it. It is also due to the passion for clarity in the English language that made him develop the book the animal farm.
George Orwell developed one of the most widely known animal fables that influenced significantly the ancient British literal works written by different authors. The story is in the form of symbolic narratives with animals in the story endorsed with human characters. The animals are also given human qualities that were predominant in the ancient times. The use of animals used to display the human characters is one of the successes of the fable and a breakthrough to the ancient British literary (Ginn, 180). The idea of the author to use the human qualities in animals for the readers to have a chance to examine their personal qualities from a broad perspective.
The use of satire in developing the animal farm has also been a significant factor in the development of the British literal history. Despite this, the importance of moral lessons that are expressed at the end of the satirical fable is a major building block that will develop the lateral history. The author develops early works that have previously been developed by Aesop an ancient Greek author (Shaw 138). The development of literature works that are characterized by clarity of their objectives and their brevity, and including a moral end to the story develops the summary of the story with a moral lesson is one of the factors that can promote the ancient literature works developed in Britain.
Social responsibilities of the book
The author has developed effective forms of literature to develop the different characters of the story. Apart from the proper ending of the fable, the author has the emphasis on the plot of the story. The development of the story is a basic foundational structure that has developed the literal British books. The plot has also been used to subject the human behaviors that are evident in the lives of the people. He puts it clearly the error of progressive regeneration of an administration that is pig-led. The administration is in charge of the animal farm. Orwell uses a straightforward way to bring out some of this features that are represented in the fable (George, 2010). This feature makes his story quite popular hence maintaining its relevance to its...
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