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Similarities in Metaphysical Activities in Death by Silver and Real Life Activities

Essay Instructions:

Is the practise of "metaphysics" in this novel parallel to any real-life activity? Explain.
***Please state a clearer thesis, and logically work on this essay.
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Essay Sample Content Preview:
Death by Silver
Similarities in metaphysical activities in death by silver and real life activities
The novel "death by silver" by Melissa Scott and Amy Griswold is a tale of a young metaphysician, Ned Mathey, who teams up with boarding schoolmate in a bid to unearth the mystery death of Edgar Nevett. When Edgar requested Mathey to check and remove a curse from his silver, Mathey gave the silver clean bill of health, the piece of silver had no curse. A day later Edgar was struck by enchanted silver and died from it. This situation put Mathey's profession in a potential crisis and to salvage it, and he teamed up with Julian Lynes to unravel the mystery. Various practices of metaphysics which are similar to real life practices are witnessed in the novel. This paper argues that practices like finding curse through magic, removal of the curse through magic, using magic to solve a myriad of day to solve problems are similar to real life activities of psychic detectives, reliance on metaphysics for prediction, identification and solution to problems.
In Scott and Griswold novel, the budding metaphysician engages in various activities that are similar to real life events. The practice of exorcising curses and prevention has is a common real life practice that many fortune tellers engage in on a daily basis. While in Mathy's time the curse was in silver and enchantments could be passed to silver to use them to commit murder or bewitch people. In real life, people accompany themselves with a bead of luc...
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