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Sure Thing Play- David Ives

Essay Instructions:
ESSAY 2 :: DRAMA This essay is a work of 800-1000 words -- the word count is slightly higher than your last piece because, unlike that work, this time you are to research 3-5 OUTSIDE SOURCES and weave them into your essay (and cite them at the back in a Works Cited page). This is all to be done in MLA style -- consult your book or Google "OWL MLA Sample Paper" to see the proper format. Your task The Bard once said, "All the world's a stage, and we are merely players." The band RUSH quoted this in a song, I believe. Jumping off from that, you want to find themes or threads in one of the three plays, and come up with an essay about how that play speaks to currents in modern life. You want to quote from your original work MULTIPLE TIMES, as well as bringing in outside sources-- which can include books, articles, movies, podcasts, and other things-- to your work. Examples The recent 5-part documentary on OJ Simpson just aired on ESPN. A big issue at stake was the credibility of the evidence collection (and collectors). That could be a theme focused on in Trifles, a play which also tilts heavily on gender roles. Radio Golf seems so fresh today because of the current in politics that seem so familiar, as well as the cross-currents of neighborhood development/ gentrification/ resentrification going on (especially in New Orleans-- excuse me, Nola!).. Sure Thing comments on the mutability of communication and seemed to presciently forecast some trends in dating that didn't even exist when the play was written. In Sum Relate the themes of one of our plays to current events-- make it smart, pick a theme you care about, and have fun with it! Focusing on the various ELEMENTS of drama (listed in textbook) can give you signposts to organize your work.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Sure Thing Play- David Ives The task of any theatrical work is not only to entertain but to inspire change in the hearts and minds of its audience. Sublime themes in productions enable playwrights to transmit certain messages of significance to them and the society in a manner that cannot be achieved in any other way. This recognition of the power that productions have on the society is critical in ensuring not only the continued forward trajectory of art. Rather by embracing didacticism in their outlook towards contemporary issues in society, art becomes an agent for change. It allows society to question each and every tenet that it holds dearCITATION Sus13 \p ": http://sgo.sagepub.com" \l 1033 (Eisenchlas : http://sgo.sagepub.com). The result is a society that is in a continued state of progress, dedicated to bettering itself. The paper therefore looks at a particular theme that is contained within one of the plays we have dissected. The paper chose the theme of gender roles which is present in the play Trifles. The theme of gender roles necessitates discussion in light of modern developments in perception of gender. Feminism as an alternative model interrogates the role of the female person in the modern gender divide. In the US and other parts of the developed world, there have been significant changes in gender roles especially after the Second World War. Prior to the war, gender roles were clear. Patriarchy reigned supreme, the male gender being the dominant gender based on a confluence of factors. Key among these religious based assertion of supremacy to the female gender. The male species is and was on average physically stronger. Members of the species were further more intellectually endowed. However, this was in part attributable to the continued denial of education to women. Gender roles have faced significant attrition in the modern global orderCITATION Mar09 \p :17 \l 1033 (Maria Shriver and the Center for American Progres :17). The influx of women into schools, work environment has resulted in a relaxation in the stringent characterisations of gender. The result has been a renewed discourse on gender roles and their suitability in the modern environment. In masculine cultures, males are perceived to have characteristic such as dominance while in females the dominant characteristics include caring for othersCITATION Fau00 \p :274 \l 1033 (Fausto-Sterling :274). The global discussion on the fluidity (perceived) of gender that has allowed the rise to prominence of the LGBT society has an impact on gender roles. Members of the society are more readily accepting of the changing roles noting the dominant society's apathy towards the community. Thus, there is a potential equalisation of the sexes that arises with the acceptance of the LGBT community. ...
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