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Can a Playground Be Too Safe

Essay Instructions:

Causal Essay.

The purpose of this assignment is to refine your ability to write a cause and effect analysis using clear logic. Select a social situation that affects you directly or indirectly and write an analysis of the causes for that problem. Please write on a situation that is described in one of the essays from your "Everything's an Argument wtih Readings" text. Make sure that you consider: The immediate and hidden causes of that problem, The logical sequence of your argument, Your own credibility (establish your credibility), Details that affect that cause, Sources that will support your argument, A bibliography in MLA format (a work cited page), & Any objections or arguments against your points. Be sure to consider the needs of your audience. This assignment will be evaluated on the following basis: All points listed above, Spelling and grammar, Creativity, and Clarity. The essay should be 5-7 pages in length.

This is the same essay in my book: Can a playground be too safe essay: http://www(dot)nytimes(dot)com/2011/07/19/science/19tierney.html?_r=0

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Casual Essay: Can A Playground Be Too Safe?
Play areas are necessary in schools and other social areas where children are likely to spend their time. Playgrounds play critical roles in the development of children, providing them with opportunities to learn and develop their cognitive, affective and psycho-motor skills. The child learns skills that cannot be taught in a classroomCITATION Mar12 \p 3134 \l 1033 (Brussoni 3134). Thus, noting that children spend significant amounts of time in playgrounds their safety in these grounds becomes a cause for concern. This is in light of the modern day security challenges that we encounter n a day to day basis. These include; mass shootings, terror, diseases, kidnappings etcCITATION Eri13 \p 77 \l 1033 (Allen, Hill and Tranter 77). The question therefore becomes how safe can and should a playground be? The paper therefore examines the issue of security of children on the playground. The paper will weigh the pros and cons of increased security on the playground and attempt to determine if a playground can be too safe. The paper will provide empirical evidence to support the claim with credible sources from literary circles.
The very nature of a playground demands that there be sufficient room for children to explore and conduct activities that may not be able to do in their homes. Playgrounds are thus often specifically designed with the child in mind. They feature open spaces and equipment such as swings and trampolines. Thus, if playgrounds are to be designed with safety as the primary motivation, the needs of children will be left behind. The result would be a prison like fortress incapable of addressing the needs of children and playground users. Therefore, a playground can indeed be too safe.
Effect of Enhanced Safety on Playgrounds
As the possibility of mass shootings and terror has increased in the US, some quarters of the public have called for increased security on playgrounds. These individuals would prefer that police officers be continually stationed on or near playgrounds to protect children. However, this would in fact have the opposite effect on psyche of children. While having highly trained and armed guards would no doubt reassure parents and guardians. It would send a message to children that they live in a world where their security cannot be guaranteedCITATION Eri13 \p 77 \l 1033 (Allen, Hill and Tranter 77). This would ultimately affect the psychological framework of children. They would grow up as insecure individuals incapable of functioning in a dynamic and diverse society. Such children would be incapable of trust and would resort (as future policy formulators) to creating policies that would lead to a global arms race. Thus, while there is a genuine need for enhanced security, this cannot be done at the expense of the children’s future. There must be a balance to struck balancing the need for security with the need for playgrounds to be…playgrounds and not military installationsCITATION Mar12 \p 3134 \l 1033 (Brussoni 3134).
Playgrounds are often unhygienic noting the high number of children conducting activities that are not necessarily hygienic or best practice. If the desire to make playgrounds completely safe especially protecting children from disease, it would be necessary to introduce hospital like hygiene processes to the playgrounds. This would mean that playgrounds and the equipment contained would need to be continuously disinfected for potential pathogens. Playground attendants would need to wear surgical masks and gloves when handling each child to protect themselves and other children. The result would be an unfriendly environment for childrenCITATION Mar12 \p 3134 \l 1033 (Brussoni 3134). This would be in a manner making the playground too safe. Studies have proven that children benefit from being exposed to pathogens (some) when youngCITATION Sum12 \p ": " \l 1033 (Reddy : ). This enables their bodies to build resistance and antibodies necessary to fighting disease as they grow older. Thus playgrounds that are exceptionally concerned with health safety would protect children in their young age but would effectively cripple their bodies’ ability to fight disease in the future. Playgrounds thus should be made safe for children but the needs of the child must be kept in mind as the hygiene processes are being rolled outCITATION Eri13 \p 77 \l 1033 (Allen, H...
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