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Romantic vs victorian literature

Essay Instructions:
"What values do Romantic and Victorian literature teach us to help us navigate today's technological, secular, and materialistic world?" Your job is to examine two characters (William Wordsworth and John Browning). One must be from the Romantic period and the other from the Victorian period. This pair should represent two distinctively different perspectives, lifestyles, and worldviews, and should also reflect the larger perspectives of the authors and their cultures (Romantic and Victorian).
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name Course Instructor Date Romantic vs. Victorian Literature Romantic literature was concerned with the ideas of liberation and individuality as artists and intellectual sought to have a more prominent role in England during 18th and 19th century. Victorian literature, especially poetry reemphasized medieval texts while using Modern Language, while the artists and intellectuals ended to follow the social norms during the reign of Queen Victoria. Romanticism also sought to challenge rigidity in the society, while artists and writers focusing more on emotion unlike before. Victorian literature extends from Romantics through emphasis on medieval subjects. This paper delves into the values Romantic and Victorian literatures that influence the modern world. Wordsworth was a revolutionary during his time that rejected the conformity advocated during the Neoclassical for artists to be more creative. The poet advocated that writers ought to choose what people can relate with, and largely avoided mythological allusions. Wordsworth then focused more on natural surroundings and the people living there. Through advocating that poets to write spontaneously without focusing too much on decorum, and that people ought not to be transfixed with the artificial vocabulary by letting their feelings be known. Advocating for freedom of expression and speech had gathered pace and Romance artists, poets and writers were in the forefront calling for respect of liberty through their works (Ding 421). Hence, people are not to be bound by rigid rules where there freedoms are curtailed if they are to successfully navigate today’s world. Wordsworth was also inspired by nature and this is relevant since people need not use resources while simply ignoring how human activities affect the surroundings in the poem, “The World is too much with us” there is emphasis on the benefits of nature, where people ought to live in harmony. This departs from earlier views that highlighted exploitation of resources without giving a thought how this affected nature. Even as mankind benefits from nature, there is a need to embrace nature, and this calls for personal responsibility and stewardship. Today’s world is materialistic, more than ever before and while pursuing earthly values, there is a risk that this may negatively affect peaceful coexistence. In the era of globalization, people from diverse backgrounds increasingly come in contact than earlier times. Wordsworth preferred the idyllic rural settings and this allowed him to look more keenly on the concern of human suffering. The case for withdrawing from the corrupt world is highlighted in Romanticism literature, and this is relevant in the modern era where life is fast paced and people are politically active. Even as other posts focused on alleviating poverty and human suffering, Wordsworth drew parallels between the idyllic natures with the untainted principles. Similarly, understanding the nature of people and the society can be effective in dealing with ethical dilemmas, since decisions are made taking into account how this affects peoples’ lives. Wordsworth also delved into the issue of humanity more than nature, and Browning shared a similar interest. Despite mainly choosing country settings, Wordsworth was interested in how people sought to live their lives and how this affected their happiness rather than dwell on the natural landscapes. This is apparent in his love poems here even a grieving lover does not get comfort from their surroundings in the poem, Tis said (Bakker 224). This is relevant in the modern world for people need not focus too much on the natural grandeur and ignore the exploitation of other people. In essence, Wordsworth advocates for humanitarianism and sympathy for the poor, suffering and oppressed in the society (Baker 224). Wordsworth also supports critical thinking based on the idea that imagination allows people to be inspired. Furthermore, he viewed having pure minds as being crucial to questioning life, and being in the presence of trees and nature can inspire people to critically view themselves and the surroundings (Jalalpourroodsari 89). The inspiration and expectation associated with imagination shows that even in the today’s era the role of artists cannot be ignored in advocating for justice. At the same time, looking at the pasts may cause grief, but may also inspire people as they learn not to forget. Hence, continuous learning and reflecting on the past not only inspires individuals but allows people to get back in time. Another value that was featured in the works of Wordsworth is individualism beginning with the introduction of new themes, and experimenting with the structure of poems. In the poem, “I wandered Lonely as a Cloud (Daffodils), in each of the three stanzas of the poem the speaker talks about drawing attention to his thoughts. This highlights the value of individualism, and this is relevant as people have the freedom to exercise their thoughts as individuals rather than collective thinking. The value of individuality is also tied to the respect and dignity to people, and Words supported people freely expressing their ideas based on the ideal of liberty. Wordsworth was inspired by the French Revolution and promises of liberation, individuality and freedoms (Duggett 188). The Romance literature highlighted humanity and creativity over intellect, but the Victorian literature emphasized the conservative valu...
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