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The Smoke and Tobacco Free Policy for CSU East Bay Campus

Essay Instructions:

Write if you agree or disagree. Here is the policy: SMOKE AND TOBACCO FREE POLICY

CSU Campuses, including CSUEB, became Smoke and Tobacco Free effective September 1, 2017.

The Policy on a Systemwide Smoke and Tobacco Free Environment- Executive Order 1108 can be found here.

The effects of smoking, second-hand smoke and tobacco have been well established. It is widely accepted that there are negative health, environmental and economic consequences as the result of smoking and the use of tobacco products. Examples include:


Coronary Heart Disease


Lung and other cancers

Chronic bronchitis and emphysema


Cigarette butts contribute a large percentage of California waste and are the source of toxins to our aquatic ecosystems. Additionally, improperly discarded cigarettes, including electronic cigarettes can cause wildfires and house fires.


In addition to the high cost of smoking to the individual smoker, there are significant costs associated with environmental cleanup and health care expenditures. In creating a smoke and tobacco-free environment on campus, CSUEB hopes to encourage the following:

Prevent the usage of tobacco products on campus

Encourage current users to quit or decrease use

Prevent second-hand smoke

Prepare students to enter smoke and tobacco-free work environments

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The Smoke and Tobacco Free Policy for CSU East Bay Campus
On September 1, 2017, CSU Campuses, including CSUEB, became smoke and tobacco-free. Tobacco products, such as cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, hookah, e-cigarettes, and vape pens were prohibited in or outside any building and in parking areas. I wholeheartedly agree with the smoke and tobacco-free policy because smoke and tobacco-free campus policies are set to protect the safety and health of students, visitors, staff, and faculty by eliminating second-hand smoke. This policy protects people most susceptible to the effects of secondhand smoke exposure, like those with allergies and asthma.
“Smoke-Free,” as chronicled in the Executive Order 1108 means the use of cigars, pipes, cigarettes, and other “smoke” emitting products including vapor devices, e-cigarettes, are forbidden on all university properties. “Tobacco-Free” means the use of pipes, snuffs, smokeless tobacco, cigarettes, and other tobacco products is forbidden on all university properties. Additionally, any advertising or sponsorship in respect to any university event or activity by a tobacco product manufacturer is prohibited unless explicitly authorized by the university designee or the president.
By adopting a one-hundred percent smoke and tobacco-free policy, all students, visitors, staff, and faculty will be protected from secondhand smoke. A smoking ban is not set to take away an individual’s right to smoke it, however, eliminates smokers’ risk of harming others. The Policy on System-wide Smoke and Tobacco Free Environment is beneficial to students and employees at large in providing a healthy environment. As evidenced by research findings, in general, tobacco use is a significant health ...
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