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Water Pollution. Literature & Language Assignment

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Water Pollution. 

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Water Pollution
Water pollution is a long-standing problem since the era of industrialization. World population has constantly been growing and has been accompanied by a continuous establishment of industries to meet the growing needs of humans (NOAA). In addition, urbanization has been rampant both in developed and developing countries. Tremendous population growth, industrialization, and urbanization have all greatly contributed to the pollution of water bodies such as rivers, aquifers, lakes, seas, and oceans. The waste products from industries and domestic activities are dumped into these bodies and slowly accumulate to levels that are harmful to both aquatic life and human beings (NOAA). Pollutants such as raw sewage, agricultural products such as pesticides, plastics, and acid rain all have drastic effects on aquatic life and people. Of all the water bodies, ocean pollution is more significant, and this paper will focus on this type of pollution because oceans are more important as far as transport, tourism, the source of food, and biodiversity are concerned. Some of the questions the paper will try to answer are; what are the main sources of ocean pollution? What are some of the effects of dumping harmful substances into the oceans? What are some of the solutions to ocean pollution?
Sources of Pollutants
Ocean pollutants come in two main forms referred to as point and nonpoint pollutants depending on where they originate from (NOAA). Point pollutants mainly come from big industries such as sewerage and oil companies. They are referred to as point because they are poured directly into the water and are therefore more harmful than nonpoint products. On the contrary, nonpoint pollutants consist of mostly agricultural products and acids rain. Products such as pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers are washed off the surface by the rainwater into the ocean (NOAA). Acid rain forms when rainwater reacts with major industrial gases such as carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxide to form acids, weak carbonic acid, sulfuric acid and nitric acid respectively (NOAA). Further, human-created waste, particularly plastic products, have seriously affected marine life, fishing and tourism activities.
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