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The Issue: DNR and/or Medical Alert Tattoos. Literature Essay

Essay Instructions:

The Issue: DNR and/or Medical Alert Tattoos

A 70 year old, intoxicated, unconscious man is brought to the ER with "Do Not Resuscitate" tattooed on his chest. He does not regain consciousness and his condition continues to deteriorate. What do the doctors do? Read the CBS News article on this dilemma and take a look at the tattoo. 'Not' is underlined! And it's signed! CBS article is attached.

***Instructions for the paper are as follows:

In 2 pages (approximately 500-700 words), take a position on DNR and/or medical alert tattoos. Support the thesis position with specific reasons, drawing evidence from at least 2 sources. Support for the thesis position should include logically placed refutation of the/an opposing viewpoint. The position paper should be formal and follow MLA style (format & documentation). Works Cited page needed.

*****I ordered a Discussion assignment regarding this topic and would like for the same writer to do both assignments so that the same information can be used in both assignments.

**There are articles attached that are viewpoints to read and consider, according to the instructor.

Grading criteria:

• Critical Response

Written product demonstrates analysis (compare/contrast, interpretation, evaluation and/or definition) that documents student's grasp of the topic and readings; the student articulates a well-defined position on a text or within a multi-faceted issue.

SLO: Read, reflect, and respond critically to a variety of texts.

• Evidence

Appropriate sources that build credibility of student and argument; effective attribution & correct quoting.

SLO: Develop ideas with appropriate support and attribution.

• Documentation

MLA style (in-text citations & full source citations) is correct, complete & document is correctly formatted.

SLO: Develop ideas with appropriate support and attribution

• Academic Writing

Writing displays formal voice & language; text follows thesis-based, top-down, structure that articulates claims first and validates all claims with evidence.

SLO: Write in a style appropriate to audience and purpose.

• Sentence Level Skill

Writing is concise (avoids wordiness, repetitive and redundant phrasing), specific, and error-free; demonstrates varied sentence structure and is easy to read (flows, avoids choppy or awkward phrasing).

SLO: Use Edited American English in academic essays.

• Process SLO

Written product demonstrates work on ideas & critical position in a discussion, development, or drafting stage; or, final product demonstrates a clear end-stage, well-developed position reached through process stages.

SLO: Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative writing processes.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
While looking through all of the citations and articles, I could not find these quotes in the corresponding articles that you have quoted. I can not turn in a paper that has in-text citations that do not go with the articles. I need the in-text citations to correspond with the articles and be appropriately referenced in the Works Cited page.
The articles are paraphrased
If a patient has a DNR tattoo, yet no form of valid DNR, the clinician should proceed with the existing local protocol and immediately begin resuscitation efforts (Sokol et al. 1). (http://medicalethicist.net/documents/Tattoo%20BMJ%20PDF.pdf)
This was paraphrased quote of the above paragraph.
Studies assert that a significant fraction of patients change their minds concerning preferences for attempted resuscitation (Soko et al. 2). Find this article in http://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/bc3c/a8ee3ae1167aa614dc953c024ca2920943d3.pdf
(Summary of this article (postscript) proves the above quote. Such tattoos are usually made by depressed individuals and therefore if they are no longer depressed, they change their minds about it)
Ethically, it is not e...
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