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The Issue: Art Appropriation or Appropriation Art?

Essay Instructions:

The Issue: Art Appropriation or Appropriation Art?

Instructions for the paper are as follows:

***In approximately 2 pages, take a position on appropriation art. The position paper should be formal, organized to support a clear, controversial thesis position with specific reasons. The position should be validated with evidence from at least 3 sources; evidence may include description. The position paper should follow MLA style (format & documentation). Works Cited page needed.

**In addition, please identify what the thesis position is, I have to turn this in separately in my rough draft.

**The following are articles that are viewpoints to read and consider, according to the instructor.










*****I ordered a Discussion assignment regarding this topic and would like for the same writer to do both assignments so that the same information can be used in both assignments.

Grading criteria:

• Critical Response

Written product demonstrates analysis (compare/contrast, interpretation, evaluation and/or definition) that documents student's grasp of the topic and readings; the student articulates a well-defined position on a text or within a multi-faceted issue.

SLO: Read, reflect, and respond critically to a variety of texts.

• Evidence

Appropriate sources that build credibility of student and argument; effective attribution & correct quoting.

SLO: Develop ideas with appropriate support and attribution.

• Documentation

MLA style (in-text citations & full source citations) is correct, complete & document is correctly formatted.

SLO: Develop ideas with appropriate support and attribution

• Academic Writing

Writing displays formal voice & language; text follows thesis-based, top-down, structure that articulates claims first and validates all claims with evidence.

SLO: Write in a style appropriate to audience and purpose.

• Sentence Level Skill

Writing is concise (avoids wordiness, repetitive and redundant phrasing), specific, and error-free; demonstrates varied sentence structure and is easy to read (flows, avoids choppy or awkward phrasing).

SLO: Use Edited American English in academic essays.

• Process SLO

Written product demonstrates work on ideas & critical position in a discussion, development, or drafting stage; or, final product demonstrates a clear end-stage, well-developed position reached through process stages.

SLO: Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative writing processes.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Appropriation art
Appropriation is the “act of borrowing or reusing existing elements within a new work,” (Rowe, 1). Appropriation art is a developing concept embraced by many artists. It is a widely debated issue where originality and authorship aspects create problems concerning the legal aspect of art. Appropriation art forces an observer to form a new opinion of the art presented before them even if they are aware of the original artwork. Through photographing and manipulating, artists craft a technique of appropriation and provocation. The method draws its subjects from subcultures and cultural cliché (Weiss, n.p.). Art appropriation makes a familiar piece of art look strange and different and compels an observer to scrutinize something that requires a quick glance. Therefore, this idea can give a viewer a fresh idea about the new art.
In most cases, the originality of an appropriation art can be overlooked because the appropriated art may be viewed as an original art since it offers a different message to the original artwork. The message and opinion formed by an appropriation piece of art the originality aspect which makes it a unique piece of work since it does not share the same message as the original art (Gregor and Hancock, 162). The authorship of an appropriation art is also different since the author of the original artwork usually has a different reason and message contained in the art. An artist who manipulates the original work has a different view on the art with a different message meant to be put across by the piece of art. The viewer of the art has the task of forming an opinion and differentiating the messages that the original artwork and t...
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