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Should We Allow Minors Access to Marijuana?

Essay Instructions:

This paper will involve a review of the literature, as well as original data, i.e., you will carry out your own. You will complete a short research paper of 4 to 5 pages(title page/reference not included) (typed, double-spaced, times new roman font, 5 or more reputable sources).

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Students Name Professors Name Course Code and Name Date Should We Allow Minors Access to Marijuana? Drug addiction has been reported among people of different age groups. Among the new drug users are teens who use the drugs for experimentation. Out of the curiosity that they get once they see adults using drugs, then the minors end up trying them in order to have the experience (Wen, Hefei, Jason, Hockenberry, and Benjamin 2019). As well, peer pressure is a leading factor as to why minors have been reported to be a part of drug abusers. In addition to these reasons, teens have plenty of excuses as to why they find themselves in situations of avoiding drugs. The abuse of drugs among minors does not mean that they will become addicts once they grow up. There are plenty of hard drugs in the market that the teen has access to them despite the fact that they have been banned. Among them is marijuana. Therefore, given the negative impacts that the teens get as a result of being denied access to drugs, the minors should be allowed to access marijuana. One of the reasons as to why teens should be allowed to access marijuana is the prevention of addiction which results as a result of frequent experimentation about the drug. When smoked in large quantities, marijuana is known to impair the thinking capacity of the users. Therefore, given a situation whereby the teens use plenty of the drug while they get access to it, then there are high chances of becoming addicts. On the other hand, allowing the minors to access marijuana would result in them having a control of the amount of the drug that they take because they will be aware of its negative impacts. In the case whereby they are using the drug for experimentation or out of peer pressure, then the minor will be able to use it in small quantities because they are guaranteed of accessing it whenever they feel like. Marijuana is costly, and therefore, the minors will not be able to afford large quantities within short periods. Hence, they will end up having control of the amount consumed instead of becoming addicts. Marijuana has a relaxing and antidepressant effect when consumed in small quantities. Some minors are going through a lot of emotional struggles, and some of them end up committing suicide as a result of the stress. Therefore, if allowed to access marijuana, minors would be using it whenever they feel depressed and in turn, this could prevent them from harming others or themselves. Emotional struggles hinder a minor from learning effectively and therefore, having free access to marijuana could be an easy medication to the emotional trauma. Some teens are born in violence characterized by families or by parents who hardly have enough time to talk to their kids. In such a case, the minors stand a chance of being emotionally disturbed because they have no one to turn to for help. Hence, legalizing marijuana among minors would reduce the chances of emotional-related harm. Making it easy for minors to access marijuana would reduce the cases of racial profiling in terms of criminal activities. Since the legalization of weed in the state of Washington and Colorado, it has been easy for cops to clear crime cases (Kleiman 2016). The cops are able to focus on major crimes that affect the world such as murder and mass theft. Most of the arrests that have been do...
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