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Should The Boy And Girl Scouts Accept Member Of The Opposite Sex?

Essay Instructions:

Using the Close exercise and the NY Times article from class this week, write an argumentative essay on the following topic: Should the Boy and Girl Scouts accept member of the opposite sex? The essay should be approximately 500-600 words, double-spaced, Times New Roman font.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Argumentative Essay
Literature & Language
For a long time the scouts, boys, and girls, in America have never embraced the participation or intermingling of opposite sexes in their activities. On October 11, the International Day of the Girl, the Boy Scouts of America announced the inclusion of girls in Cub Scouts and that girls would also earn the rank of Eagle Scout in the scouting clubs. The announcement was met with different reactions from the public; some applauded the move while some objected the move. Those who welcomed the move so it as opportunities opening for another gender in the scout, while those who opposed saw it as a political move meant to adhere to politics of the Americans. This essay looks at whether Boy and Girl Scouts should accept a member of the opposite sex.
Recent news by the Boy Scouts to include girls has sparked debate with others against the idea while others have welcomed the news. Most of those who are against the idea say that girls should be left alone to have their own activities, while the boys should also be left alone to carry out boy’s activities (Bosman and Chokshio). I support this new development of including girls in the Boy Scouts because in today’s world it is hard to start defining roles and environments for boys and girls. In the world today men and women work together in competitive organizations. There are no companies that only allow women to work in them and vice versa. It is good to allow for the two groups to start working together at a young age.
Secondly most people feel that the Girls Scouts are already playing the role of molding young girls which is true, but the Boy Scouts is more recognized than the Girls Scout. The Eagles Scout is an award that is recognized in many institutions and can help the individual in their career and in other ranks. The Girls Scout Award Gold Award is not as recognized as the rank of an Eagle Scout. `It is good to allow girls to have this prestigious award. Most parents are concerned with how they will be able to manage having both girls and boys in one camping site. I feel this builds moral behavior among the young boys and girls.
Most girls especially the young age love boys. The girls want to be included in boys’ activities, and therefore they will receive the idea of joining boy scouts with a lot of enthusiasm. Also, the Boy Scout rank, Eagle Scout is highly ranked as compared to a similar Girl Scout rank; everybody desires highly ranked ranks, and this would mean more girls in the boys' camps. The joy of joining boy scouts organization will result in reduced enrolment at Girl Scout organization. The poor recruitment at Girl Scout organization will only kill the girl scouting clubs.
In the current world there is constant interact...
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