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Professor Ouellette: Photograph of Karen Salvemini

Essay Instructions:

This essay is about interviewing an officer, then write an essay according to this interview, about this person, how this officer interact with international student, that the students who aren't native speaker.

I'm in group B, and Karen was the interviewee. The interview was done, and discussed with the professor about the general format and thesis already, I will attach that and also the syllabus. The format related, I will upload the previous essay as well for you to have an idea about how the format should be. However, this time does not have sthat much of cited sources too, simply quotes from the conversation that was recorded.

The previous 13 minutes voice record has written down in document, the rest you have to listen.

Also, the questions that I asked was a little chaos, failed at letting the interviewee to answer.. the recorded conversation has about one hour in length, I'll organize it to document as well, but there should be some irrelevant parts, please ignore.

P.S please help me to polish the topic if needed, by adding some key words. Please insert the pictures of the interviewee in the essay too. This is the requirement from teacher, I already uploaded the pictures.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Shenyi Yu
Professor Ouellette
Section 12
1.0 Introduction
Lehigh University is a multicultural global institution that can be termed as a cultural ‘melting pot’ bringing together students from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. The university’s culture is rich and diverse, drawing on the multifaceted backgrounds of its student population. It’s an equal opportunity institution providing equal opportunities to all students regardless of gender, culture or linguistic differences. As an equal opportunity institution, the university has instituted policies and structures aimed at ensuring that its equal opportunity policy is fully institutionalized. To this end, the university has put in place various offices such as ‘The Gender Violence Education& Support’. This office provides education on topics relating to having healthy relationships and various forms of gender violence. Besides, it provides support for victims of gender violence and performs oversight on harassment, discrimination and gender violence policies. In addition, the office handles any other issue related to harassment, discrimination and gender violence. However, due to the multicultural nature of Lehigh University, multilingual students are presented with diverse challenges. Thechallenges range from cultural, gender, social to linguistic challenges. These issues are difficult to confront due to legal and cultural disparities that exist between different nations. While cultural differences make understanding of sex education and related policies difficult to understand for international students, Karen was excited to embrace the cultural differences from every international students who has come for help.
The interview that informed this essay paper was conducted inside Karen’s office. Karen is a middle aged, polite and soft spoken woman. When entering her office, she welcomed us witha broad smile that made the interview seem shorter than it actually was. After a brief introduction and interview permission, we went straight to the interview. The interviewee’s photograph is shown in Figure 1 below.
Figure 1: Photograph of Karen Salvemini
Karen works as an Equal Opportunity Compliance Coordinator in the office of the General Counsel. She reports to Frank Roth who is the university’s General Counsel. She stated that she was just one of the several other employees in the office of the General Counsel. In her explanation, Karen noted that her work did not entail provision of legal counsel but rather, her role was more ‘specific and ‘specialized’. She explained that her office specifically dealt with the “…issues of harassment, discrimination, and retaliation as well as gender violence”. In performance of her duties, Karen indicated that she works as an educator and trainer in the aforementioned four areas. In addition, her office oversees the university’s response team whenever reports relating to the four areas are received at her office. When asked whether cases of harassment are reported to her office, she observed that indeed her office exclusively deals with all cases of harassment, discrimination, retaliation and gender violence. It’s evident from her answers that indeed Lehigh University has made effort to deal with sexual violence and harassment related issues. Her office is the university’s nerve center for all sex and gender violence related cases. Gender violence victims can directly contact her office or LUPD, or the university advocates who are “..trained faculty and staff members”. Karen further indicated that the university has an online reporting platform through which victims can report such cases. The university’s effort to deal with gender and sex violence related cases is evident as the university has a mandatory orientation program dubbed, “Break The Silence” which is a sex education lecture for new students. According to Karen, “Break The Silence” is not run by her office but from the Dean of Students Office. “These student members of Break The Silence are the presenters that me and the Director of the Office of Gender Violence Education & Support train to run the “Break The Silence” orientation program,” She added. In my opinion, this is ‘Break The Silence’ is an important educational lecture as it helped me gain new cultural and sexual education perspectives.
She explained that the dean’s office educates students on relationships as well as prevention. However, she was categorical that her office works in collaboration with The Office of Gender Violence Education & Supportespeciall...
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